Chapter 14

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"Now that we're finally able to tell everyone the subtypes of schizophrenia and its stages, why don't we play a guessing game?" I smiled at my block mates and I even saw Mild smiling at me from his seat while clapping his hands silently. I looked at Mew and he nodded at me before taking over. Mac and I are done presenting the 5 main subtypes of schizophrenia which is paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated and residual schizophrenia and even the three stages of it.

Now we're down to proposing different situations which involves the imaginary patients and their symptoms.

Before speaking, Mew looked at me and Mac and nodded before showing us a thumbs up. I can't help but smile cause I feel validated. But my smile faded when I remember what happened last night and I avoided his gaze and looked at pur block mates who seems to be too drawn by the mesmerizing creature in front of them.

I even saw some girls and their mouth agape because Mew is really oozing with appeal while wearing those eyeglasses. It was then, I realized that I'm staring at him again while he's fixing his laptop and I can't help but to gulp at the view of him. He's breathtaking.

My eyes widened when I realized what I was thinking and immediately shook my head.

'Oh, Gulf. Wake up!'

"Hello, everyone. Today we had prepared a guessing game called 'Check me up, what am I?'." Mew said before flashing the next slide containing the symptoms of Patient P.

His symptoms are as follows:

1. Withdrawing from family and friends.
2. Difficulty thinking clearly.
3. Hearing voices that others do not.
4. Do not trust people around them.
5. Most likely to become violent when forced to eat.
6. Delusions
7. Hallucinations

"This is Patient P. And as you can all see, he's kind of having trust issues with the people around him. He's most likely to become violent whenever someone offers him food. What do you think? Who wants to give their diagnosis?" Mew said before flashing his smile to everyone in the room. I looked at Mr. Gesurem and saw that he's nodding with a contented smile on his face. I looked at Mild and I can't help but laugh when I saw his confused face while thinking of the possible condition of Patient P.

I can't blame him, though. That's also my initial reaction when Mew had come up with the 4 patients and their symptoms. It's true that it's confusing. It almost has the same symptoms. And the way Mew had chosen the symptoms is a bit confusing cause it could be catatonic, disorganized or paranoid. One must be a critical thinker to answer this one. But Mew was able to dig deeper and put at least one distinct symptoms for each subtypes of schizophrenia.

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