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"Love is, when you look at the person, and you knew right away that both of your hearts follows the same beat."

I remained looking at the note Mew's mom had left him right after committing suicide.

There's a lot of things that she wrote about love but this is the only thing that caught my attention.

Mew and I are seated beside each other at the end of his bed.

He's up for his fifth bottle of mule and has also finished 3 sticks of cigarette.

Even though, I'm worried about his health, I don't have any strength to stop him with his vices cause I can see that it's one of his way to numb his pain.

And even if he had already stopped crying, I can still see that he has a lot more to say.

He just needs time.

And I'm willing to wait.

Mild texted me to inform me that the opening of the U Week is moved for tomorrow because of what happened.

Which only proves that Mew's dad is undeniably influential and powerful.

I was back to reality when I heard Mew laughing so I looked at him and he's just looking at the carpet while holding the bottle of mule with both of his hands.

"I've never really understood what my Mom meant with that quotation. I don't even know if she had really found love with my Dad." He said, trying to make a laugh out of his confusion. And all I can do is to look at him cause seriously, I don't know what to say.

I just found out that his Dad was a fucking cheater just like my Dad and me as well. That his dad is the reason why his mom committed suicide and how Mew suffered from the thought of not being able to save his mom from her unfortunate fate.

"Cause I can clearly see how she suffered all throughout her marriage. It was then I started asking myself if that's what love is. Pain. Torture. Suffering. Cause that's what I see everyday." It was then tears started rolling down his cheeks again and all I can do is to reach for his hand to make him feel that he's not alone. I'm out for words.

I don't know if it'll make a difference if I say anything.

So I decided to keep my mouth shut and just listen to whatever he has to say.

But upon listening to him, I finally understood why he has been like that towards me.

I finally understood what he meant when he said that he hates people like me.

And it made me so guilty whilst thinking on how hard it is for Mew to interact with the kind of people that he hates the most.

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