Chapter 4

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"Gulf, my friend!" Mild greeted me cockily as he entered the room. Our block mates looked at him weirdly as it was too early to be that loud but Mild is naturally loud. That's actually his voice's normal volume and I can't do anything but shook my head as I wait for him to finally settle down at the chair beside me. I frowned when I saw how wide his smile was. It's as if he won the lottery with that kind of look and that's quite far from the usual grin he flash every morning.

Well, Mild is the type of guy who can't easily get sad. He always looks at the brighter side of things. That's why he decided that he'll also study Psychology with me so that, he'll be able to infect his future clients with his happy virus. And as for me, I wanted to study Psychology to be able to read people's mind. Well, not totally read them to a certain extent that I can guess what they're going to say but I want to be able to know who's telling the truth among the people around me. And of course, to help those people who are having difficulties by means of coping up to the society.

I know for a fact that mental health matters and I'm also a hypocrite for studying something that deals with it while breaking a lot of girls' heart at the same time. For all I know, I may be one of the reason why a girl is kind of insecure and depressed but I couldn't stop myself from playing around.

And besides, men are naturally polygamous. Men aren't supposed to taste just one dish and eat it for the rest of their lives. And as for me, well, I want to have a grandiose buffet. I wanna have them all. That's why I'm quite allergic to commitment. I can't commit myself to one person. Maybe not now, but in the near future. I know I'll meet my match but I just hope it's not any time soon cause I'm still enjoying my happy go lucky life with my harem of girls.

It was then Mild's unusual happy aura and bright smile caught my attention so I looked at him quizzically. Seems like something good happened while he's on his way here causing him to smile from ear to ear.

"What's with that creepy smile of yours? It seems like something from your wildest dreams had finally happened in real life?" I said and even got more curious when he laughed. I even had to hit his head for him to stop laughing mindlessly as if there's only the two of us in the room.

"Aow! Gulf! You could've just told me to stop laughing!" He complained and I can't help but to raise one corner of my lips to mock him.

"As if you would listen." I retorted and he winced while massaging the part that I hit. "So tell me, what is it?" I asked and he looked at me quizzically.

"What do you mean, 'what is it?'" He asked and I can't help but to shook my head once again. Seems like he totally forgotten that he actually looked like someone who had gone mad a while ago because of his smile.

"What's the reason behind you unusual lively aura this morning?" I said and he paused for a minute to think of what I'm pertaining to.

"A-ahhh. That." Again, he smiled before looking at me. "Well, I dunno if you can call this a good news but for me, it's far beyond great! Cause--

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