(See ship profile on my other story)

"Good, now where exactly is the signal were looking for?" Petra asked Arthur.

Investigating a UNSC signal is what this entire mission was for. They had detected just a day ago. But it was transmitted through a Gem communicator. So while they wanted to see if someone needed rescue. They also brought firepower incase the Gems or even god forbid the Covenant was attacking.

"The signal appears to be coming from an old Gem colony. But there are several Gem ships overhead. Largest is at one kilometer. While there are 4 400 meter ships." Arthur informed her as she pulled up a hologram of the ships.

The cruiser looked like a large pyramid that was extended upwards and given engines on its base.

The frigates however looked like large red eyeballs with a small energy projector that shot out from the eye.

"Get my a targeting solution for the MAC on the cruiser. Have the Jeager and Howling Dark each fire on a frigate. Then fire a volley of archers at the other two."

Everyone on the bridge nodded as the Dragon oriented itself to face the cruiser. While her two frigates did the same for their own ships.

The Here Be Dragons shuddered as 2 600 ton slugs left the barrels of the MAC guns. Leaving at just over 1.6% the speed of light.

They flew through space and impacted the cruiser nearly 50 thousand kilometers away in a second and a half.

The first shell was absorbed by a bright white shield. But the second round broke the shield and punched straight through the center of it.

The frigates then launched their 800 ton slugs at 1% the speed of light and they each impacted a frigate after 2 seconds of travel.

Bright white shields flared again as they tried to stop the slugs. But each broke through and damaged the ships.

One frigate was torn in half as it's energy projector exploded in mid firing. The other eyeball frigate had it's a hole blown through it.

Over 250 Archer missiles exited out of pods from both the cruiser and two frigates. Zooming through space as they made their way to the remaining frigates.

The two eyeball frigates turned with surprising speed toward both the missiles and ships. One eyeball shot out an energy projector sliced through almost 40 missiles before the rest of the 120 aimed for it impacted.

The resulting fusion explosions downed it's shields and caused the whole ship to detonate after they blew through the hull.

The second eyeball aimed at the UNSC Jeager and fired it's energy projector. It traveled the distance in just over a second and hit the shields of the heavy frigate.

The eyeball then had almost 140 Archer missiles impact it. Causing it to detonate even more violently then it's compatriot.

The Jeager had it's shields downed to 20%. But the golden barriers held strong and the armor didn't have to he tested.

"Alright, Howling Dark and Jeager, good job. Start moving toward the planet and bring reactors up to 75%." Petra ordered.

The three UNSC ships started their engines once again and moved forward the planet.

Arthur scanned the planet once they got closer. They had achieved a stable orbit around the planet that was partially excavated.

What he found first was that four flying saucer like ships that are Corvette sized at 200 meters were deploying ground troops in what looked like a crashed Paris class frigate.

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