Chapter 39

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"Are you sure you have to go today, Ilhaam?" asks mom as I sip my tea. Poor mom. She is really worried after getting to know about my fall off the bus yesterday. I didn't even want to tell her at the beginning but then she saw my bruises and started questioning me. So, I had to confess and now she doesn't want me to go to Colombo today because she feels I need to rest.

"Mom, chill. I'm okay. I can't cancel the meeting for such minor injuries" I say with a smile. Yes, it's a regular meeting with one of those clients introduced by the boomers. I can reschedule it for a later date, but I don't want to postpone it as I am excited to pitch a few new ideas to them. Besides, there's hardly any pain to complain about. I don't know what worked — whether it's the doctor's medicine or Mr. Perfect Jawline's care and concern, but honestly I feel super good!

"If it's so important, then pray to God and go. I'm worried about the way you work. You are up all night. You need some rest" says mom sounding concerned. Well, mom is right. I am usually up at nights working because there's a lot to deliver. Handling the work of five clients all by myself can be a little overwhelming, and I do feel like I'm getting burned out at times. But, at least staying up for work pays off, unlike doing it for a stupid boy like Sameer!

I smile and say, "Haha let's try to go on a trip soon." Honestly, telling her 'I love you' would have been a more apt response but then you know, it's so hard to say those words to mom or dad, even though they deserve it more than anyone else in this world. Is it just me or is it a weird brown family habit? I mean, my niblings say it all the time. But it's a difficult task for me and Salima. Perhaps it's the generation that we were born into.

Mom smiles and leaves the room when my phone vibrates. I unlock it to find a message from Zayan, "Feeling better now? 😊" Woah! So the sympathy waves continue today as well? I thought he would've forgotten it by now.

My heart starts beating faster and I continue to smile like a fool. Ugh the butterflies! I hate it when this happens. He sounds so caring as if he is more than a client to me. But on second thought, I should not get overjoyed for no reason at all. It's just a normal text and nothing else. He is just being nice to me out of pity. That's all!

"Much better 😇 Thanks btw 💛" I send. Okay, why did I have to add that heart emoji? What if he doesn't know that yellow heart is used for happiness or friendship and not for love? What if he assumes that I have a crush on him? Oh God! This was such a bad idea. I should've never done it. Embarrassing! Cringe! I hate myself!

I keep staring at the screen feeling absolutely disgusted about myself, when he replies back, "what for? 🤔" Oh crap! He definitely doesn't know the meaning of a yellow heart. What do I tell him now? Should I give him a long-ass lecture on heart emojis or just avoid the whole thing? It's all my fault. I should've seen this coming. I mean, he is too old to know these details about emojis, right?

After thinking for sometime, I reply, expecting him to not text back but then this happens.
Me: because u helped me yesterday 😊🙌🏾
Zayan: lol
Zayan: it was nothing 😁
Me: it was everything 🤗💫
Zayan: was it? 😉

What the hell? Did Zayan-freaking-jawline just use the wink emoji on me? Isn't this something to celebrate? I know that boys use it all the time but then those are stupid boys like Sameer. Not the mature intelligent ones who read philosophy books for a pastime!

I smile at my phone not knowing what to reply, when another text follows,
"hey btw I need to pay u for this month. Bank transfer or will u be coming this way? 😊"

Ugh! Now he just killed the moment and turned it into an official conversation. Of course I'm happy about the payment part, but still a little upset over the fact that there's not going to be any fun texts after this. Anyway, it's fine. I'm a professional woman and this is what professional women's lives are like. Money over wink emoji anytime!

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