Chapter 14

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After 4 weeks

Sameer and I have gotten very close to each other over the last four weeks. Not a single fight. Not a single tear. He is treating me like a princess.

Everything is perfect, except for the fact that I sometimes feel like he is a little stingy because he told me that I might be spending too much when I said that I'm broke. I mean, come on, I like spending money! Also, there's nothing wrong in it when I'm spending what I make, isn't it?

Even when I told him that he will have to bring gifts for my niblings when he comes to back to Sri Lanka, he said he might go broke too if he does that. Now, I know he meant it as a joke of course but it didn't really feel good when he said that.

But anyway, for the first time in my life the sad quotes on Facebook don't make sense to me anymore. I don't even feel jealous looking at influencers' love lives these days. And as for my insecurities — they don't show up much either.

So yeah, I'm happy and I shouldn't complain! The only thing that sucks is of course the long-distance factor. No matter how happy we are, living in two corners of the world has the ability to ruin our moods.

Tomorrow it will be one month completion for our relationship and the only way we could celebrate is through an online wish. I so wish he was here!

By the way, guess where I am, right now? At a wedding

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By the way, guess where I am, right now? At a wedding. Yes, I am at the wedding of the distant relatives who came home the other day.

Since my mental health has been in great shape over the past few days, I didn't want it to get ruined by all the negative comments from unknown family members I might meet tonight. So, I didn't want to come at all and I did even protest about it, but mom and Salima somehow convinced me.

Plus, the thought of having wedding biryani after a long time kind of won over my negative feelings. Biryani is always special and the one they serve at weddings is worth it all, you know!

Ever since I sat around this table, I've been staring at my phone because other than mom, Salima and the kids, there are few unknown people here too. I feel so uncomfortable!

I don't know why these wedding halls join two tables and make twelve people sit together! If it was just one table my family alone could have filled the seats but now, I have to suffer the looks of unknown aunties.

My phone vibrates and it's a text from Sameer, "how's it going? 😘" As always, I smile the moment I read it and type, "not bad. stuck with some unknown relatives and getting a full view of the bride from my seat. the groom is not here yet so food is not served yet too 😒"

I press send and feel the vibes around me changing. The groom must have arrived because I can hear the crowd mumble and stare at a particular direction. Apparently, my family is related to the groom. Since I've never met this guy before, I'm inquisitive to see him too.

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