Chapter 26

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So yesterday after a 20-minute discussion, James finally agreed to accept my resignation letter. Initially, he pointed out that according to company policy I cannot leave on such short notice and that I might be asked to stay back at least for a month until HR found a replacement.

Apparently, if I am to quit immediately I am supposed to pay an amount equivalent to a month's salary as compensation. I was very worried when he said that.

But, fortunately, I spoke to one of the boomers about my situation and it was decided that I could make today my last day at work, without facing any such complications.

So yeah, I will be walking into office for one last time today, just to complete some formalities. However, I informed James that I would be dropping by in the afternoon, as right now. I'm here for a counseling session.

Yes, that's right. Finally mom and Salima agreed. They were really worried when I told them about my abrupt resignation, that somehow with the greatest reluctance, they finally agreed. Pretty sure they are thinking that I am going mad. I can't deny it either.

Now, since I'm part of a brown family too I had no clue on who I should meet. It's not like we talk about mental health regularly in our households, right? So, that's why I was feeling lost.

Luckily, Salima knew someone. Yes, it was she who suggested that I go to the same counselor that Aneeka and her husband went to when they were having problems.

At first I was like 'Nah', because honestly I don't want to reveal any of my personal feelings to someone known to Aneeka and her family. I mean, what if they get to know everything and start laughing over how much of a loser I am?

But then, I realized that counselors are supposed to maintain confidentiality, so it wouldn't happen. And Salima also told me how this counselor is such a miracle worker that Aneeka's problems got solved with just one meetup. Impressive!

Besides, this place is some kind of charity organization and counseling is done absolutely free. So, I decided to give it a shot, because when you are part of a brown family, anything that's free sounds so appealing whether it's useful or not.

So that's how I ended up here and I am now seated outside my counselor Marina's office, waiting for my turn. To be honest, I am feeling a little nervous.

Even though I argued with my mom and sister about the importance of talking things out with a professional, in reality maybe I am not ready for it. I mean, I hardly speak out my feelings with anyone. So, suddenly having to open up to a complete stranger about all my traumas feels weird.

Thanks to Sameer, I have to do things which I never thought I'll do!

As I keep scrolling through Facebook nervously, I hear someone say, "Ms. Ilhaam, you can come inside." I raise my head to find a very funny-looking old woman smiling at me with a file in her hand. Must be the counselor's assistant.

I follow the old woman into the counselor's room and I realize there's no one else here except the two of us. Wait, is this my counselor?

I mean, no offense but she just doesn't have any professional vibes to her. Looks more like an aunty that you bump into at brown family events.

"So, you are the cousin of that beautiful girl Aneeka?" asks Mrs. Marina. Okay, the start itself doesn't feel right. Why the hell would she talk about Aneeka and that too with an adjective that praises her looks?

I mean, hello, I'm here to talk about my breakup and my low self-esteem. You don't have to remind me that my cousin is pretty and I'm not, okay? I fake a smile and say, "Yeah, I am."

B.O.A.T - Brownest of All TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora