Chapter 4

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Apparently Sameer and Aisha have been in love for the past 5 years. They've actually met at some inter-school event 7 years back and it was love-at-first-sight for Sameer. Though he liked her from day one and even confessed his love at the beginning itself, they had to remain just-friends for 2 years because Aisha was a year older to him and she wasn't willing to get into a relationship with someone younger.

Somehow Sameer's endless efforts finally made Aisha accept him. And even though they had problems in their relationship initially because of family interferences from both sides, they overcame all of them with their true love. However when Aisha's sister got married last year the pressure of marriage-and-settling-down fell on her.

Her parents started getting worried because she was aging and asked Sameer how fast he could marry her. Being the typical middle-class boy with a new job abroad obviously he couldn't agree to do it anytime soon.

So, Aisha's family found a proposal for her and are now forcing her to get into an arranged marriage. This is why Aisha messaged Sameer for one last time yesterday saying "I still love you and I will always love you but we have to end this now. I'm sorry" and blocked his number, without even allowing the poor boy a chance to reply.

Okay, cool love story Sameer. Very romantic and sad for you but sounds a little dramatic to me. And I hate to judge people but Aisha sounds like a total bitch. I mean, how could you love someone for 5 years and dump them like that just because your parents say so? I'd never do it to someone who I truly love.

That's why Aisha's side of the story doesn't make sense to me. Total drama in my opinion. She probably likes the guy her parents found for her. Maybe he's richer or better-looking than Sameer. After all most women do that when it comes to settling down.

Anyway, I can't tell Sameer what I truly feel about Aisha. She is after all his ex-girlfriend and he still claims to love her. Therefore I try to be as empathetic as I can be. Though I'm not a bit sad about his breakup I even try to pretend like I understand the depth of his sorrow.

I mean, I've never fallen in love or gone through a heartbreak before. So this is just another emotion I watch in movies or read in books. I can't feel it on a personal level. This will be my reaction to anyone's heartbreak story — whether it's my friends, family, Sameer or any-other-boy-who-is-not-Sameer.

But then again I don't want to lie to my conscience. So here you go, let me just say it. I AM VERY VERY VERY HAPPY ABOUT HIS BREAKUP and that doesn't make me a bad person. I'm sure any girl crushing on a committed boy will be happy when she gets to know his relationship is over.

But you know what I love most about this whole thing? Sameer and I are getting closer. I can feel it already. He's been chatting with me endlessly and I've been getting all fast replies too. Generally I'm the one who responds within seconds and that's a habit I'm ashamed of. Sameer always takes a few minutes or even hours to reply back and it sucks. I mean, it sucked. Not anymore, you see?

Now he pours his heart out only to me and that too without a break, even though it's kind of annoying when he keeps talking of Aisha like she's a queen and he just missed the greatest treasure of his life! Every time he does that I'm feeling super jealous of her. Jealous not because she used to be his girlfriend but because of the fact that she is loved so much by a man.

I wish someone loves me like this some day. I wish someone cries for me some day like Sameer is crying over Aisha. "If only!" I mutter under my breath and sigh because deep down I know it will never happen. Not for a girl like me.

In his last message he has mentioned that he cried all night thinking about her. It all sounds too dramatic for me by now. Do people really love so deep? I thought that was just in movies and books. Anyway, what do I reply to him? I can't even relate to what he says because I've never stayed up crying over someone.

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