Chapter 28

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Alright so, here I am at The Feel-Good Therapy Center waiting to meet the YouTube-star therapist Amer. The truth is, I am not feeling nervous like I felt that time at Mrs. Marina's office.

It might be because he sounds very friendly in all his videos, which makes me feel like it would be easy talking to him. I just hope this works out because I really don't want my condition to get any worse.

After mom got home last night, I was hauled over the coals for my terrible behavior at the housewarming party. Can't blame her because honestly I messed up and was very explosive with my words. So, I kept quiet the whole time as I didn't want to create any more problems.

Somehow after mom left the room, I started watching Amer's videos and I must admit that I became a fan just after 2-3 videos. He is a very confident speaker and looks like a knowledgeable person too. I don't know how good of a therapist he is but he has got the charisma on screen. No wonder Saad fanboys him!

So yeah, I stayed up all night watching his videos and stalking his socials to find out more about him. Other than YouTube, I was able to find his company page and his profile only on Facebook. Looks like our guy doesn't use Instagram. Wonder why. Probably because he is a little too old for that platform.

I mean, he hasn't mentioned his age anywhere but from what I gathered, I assume he must be in his late thirties or early forties. I found his wife's profile and she had updated photos of her 37th birthday. So, I think my guess is right.

At first, when I tried to book an appointment with him via the online portal that we generally use for medical channelling purposes, I could not find his name at all. So, I was wondering whether this entire thing was bogus. But then I looked him up on Google and found that he has a therapy center of his own.

Again, I thought it might be just a small office but this place is quite huge. I mean, it has to be right? Because I just paid Rs.4500 for a one-hour session, whereas the usual therapist rates are way lower than this.

Also, I think I saw one or two Insta-famous models walking out of the therapy room. He must be a celebrity therapist or something.

"Ms.Ilhaam, you can come in" says a girl and I follow her into the therapy room. Woah! This space looks great, almost like the ones they show in movies.

Nice couch, comfy chair, great natural lighting, succulents, thoughtful artwork on the walls, and the man himself seated there with a wide smile! The only thing out of place is a white board. Wonder why he has it.

Anyway, I like the vibes already! Compared to this place, Mrs.Marina's office looked like a cowshed. But then that was free...which makes me think, money makes all the difference, doesn't it?

"Hello Ilhaam! Where would you like to sit?" asks Amer. I point at the chair and say, "This is good." I might be feeling like a heroine in a movie right now, but there's no way that I am going to lie on a couch dramatically.

"So, how are you feeling?" asks Amer with a smile. I make an awkward face and say, "Quite messed up I guess." He smiles again and says, "Don't worry. Let's fix it. That's why you are here."

See the difference? Assuring me it's going to work. Not talking to me about my stupid cousin Aneeka or her beautiful face! I mean, it's not like he knows Aneeka. Maybe if he knew her, he would've done the same thing. I don't know.

All I know is that I'm liking it already. I can feel a connection with him. Maybe he is a long-lost brother of mine!

"Before we start the session, I have to warn you on something" says Amer sounding quite serious. Wait, what? Warn me? Is he a serial killer or something? Oh My God! I knew there was something strange about this guy.

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