Healing departures: 22

Start from the beginning

"So, Cerberus is coming back, him and Thorne, they're pretty pissed, but I made my mom order them to back off. Also I'm gonna be overseeing the relic hunter headquarters permanently, make sure they don't hurt anyone." Shawn said.

"But they'll still be collecting relics?"

"They will, but they won't be using them for themselves." Shawn replied.

"What will they be using them for?" Laurie asked.

"They'll be sending them back to my kingdom back to my mother."

"What will she be using them for?" Laurie asked.

"Nothing, she's keeping them out of the way of mortals, you've seen what happens when magic enters your world, it's for the best." Shawn said.

"Laurie! Your friends are here." Gerald shouted.

Amethius, Empress, Farley, Aaliyah and Elijah gathered in her living room.

Amethius and Empress came to say goodbye.

Laurie was hugging them farewell when Ramses descended the stairs with a pensive look and reddened eyes.

"Ramses, what's wrong?" Laurie asked.

He gestured for her to follow him and she followed her to her porch.

"The spell worked." He said.

"What, but it's still on your arm."

"The spell told me how to get the snake trap off." Ramses said looking off into the distance as his clothes blew in the wind.

"This is great, why are you not happy?"

"Laurie, I have to go with Amethius."

She wasn't ready for the words that he spoke as the wind settled and her heart sped up and shivered like the leaves did when the wind had something to prove.

"What do you mean?"

"I had a vision, he knows some powerful beings that will be able to remove it."

"Alright, that's great. How... how long will you be gone?"

"I'm not sure. It's not going to be any time soon."

"Maybe we can find a way to remove it here." She said as her heart sunk in her chest.

"You won't understand this, but I can't face him without being able to tell him the truth." Ramses replied.

"You warned me not to get attached." She said as her eyes glossed over with fresh tears, she remembered meeting him, arguing with him and falling for him.

Every late night conversation in her room, when he was at her school, when he helped her save her brother's life, their first kiss, the first time he said he loved her....

Like echoes in a empty room filled with memories instead of furniture, she was at that moment filled with so much sadness she expected to see tears if she were to be cut.

"Hey, I'll be back. I'm in love with someone for the first time in centuries I'm never gonna leave you." He said.

"Gross I forgot you're so old, hopefully I'm legal by the time you get back." she said sobbing.

He laughed and they hugged, he had her scent, she be reminded of him whenever she was home.

Amethius and Empress joined them on the porch as they were leaving, she turned away as he explained to them what happened with the snake trap.

"Please don't say goodbye." she said refusing to look at him when it was time for him to go.

"How about I love you."

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