Charming The Genie: 7

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As soon as they were out of Mr Cavanagh's class after being forced to stay back five minutes, Laurie, Lisa and Dora met up with their other four friends and she scanned every where for Ramses.

"Alright Laurie, you better spill the tea like the pot's broken and you don't want it to start leaking." Keke exclaimed as soon as they sat down together in the cafeteria.

"What does that even mean?" She deflected.

"Girl don't dodge the question." Eudora said.

"I told you guys, I'm not interested we're just friends."

"What about Shawn, what did you guys talk about?" Aaliyah asked.

"Yeah, did he ask for your number? You never text in the group anymore, girl how are we going to have the tea?" Katy said.

"Sorry, I've been distracted."

"By the hot neighbour I bet, I bet he has a four pack." Michelle said.

"Nah, I get six pack vibes and very much BDE from him." Keke said.

"What is he? Like Arabic, east Asian? I can't place his race." Lisa asked.

"I've never really asked, I think he's mixed or something." Laurie replied.

"Looks like he might be Blasian like you Lisa" Michelle said.

"Oop, look who just walked in with the Blasian in question." Keke said.

Laurie was beyond irritated when she saw Ramses with Meredith, she had her arm around him and her entourage around them, all eyes were back on her.

"That girl stay snatching up your men." Eudora said.

"Please she's just thirsty." Aaliyah replied.

"Right." Laurie added then looked away.

"Hey Laurie." Shawn said appearing at her table, he said hello to the girls and complimented their looks in the process.

"Hey, Shawn."

"You kinda disappeared on me the other day." He said.

"Oh right, I had a little emergency, right girls."

"Umm, I think we all suddenly need to use the bathroom." Lisa said.

"Me two!" Keke exclaimed and they all hurried to the restroom.

Shawn sat down next to her, she had one eye on him and was trying to get the other to see what Ramses was doing.

"Hey, are you still with me?" He asked waving his hands.

"Sorry, you were telling me about your mom.."

"Not specifically, I was just saying she wants me to date a Caribbean girl, but what I should of said is that I want to date you, island girl or not."

"Lucky for you I am."

"Is that a yes?"

"It's a possibility, we should get to know each other first." She replied gingerly playing with her food.

"Of course, can I take you out on a date?"


"Laurie." Ramses called as he approached them.

"Ramsey, this is Shawn, Shawn this is my friend Ramsey."

"Hey man." Shawn said, Ramses didn't reply.

"A word please." Ramses said.

"Excuse me for a minute, Shawn."


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