Chapter 42

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Another year passed, the pain and longing for each other's embrace is still in their hearts. Gulf didn't want to move on yet despite the fact that the pain he feels gets worsen from time to time. The idea of Mew hating him because of leaving him hurts him even more. He truly hopes for Mew's happiness even not because of him. However, thinking that Mew and the mother of his child are now living happily pains him. He just hopes that one day, Mew will forgive him even if they wont be together. His forgiveness would be more than enough for him to be happy and be brave enough and start moving on. 

Mew on the other side came back to his usual self. The cold hearted man, he only shows his vulnerability to his father and son. He's been living in France with Type for a year now. However, he's sometimes confused with his own feelings, sometimes he can feel that his happy without Gulf but there are also times in which he feels empty and knows that Gulf is the only one who can fill the empty spot in his heart. Sometimes he's afraid to accept that Gulf left him because of his carelessness but most of the time, he's more mad at him for not giving him a chance to explain. However, he doesn't want to care about it anymore. He's in deep thought when his Dad called 'Son, I have a good news for you we won the case against the Kirigun, you can finally go back here' His father said full of excitement. 'Really dad? that's indeed a good news. Thanks for the hard work dad'Mew answered. They talked for a while and ended the call. Mew is happy to be finally back in Thailand but he can't help but think that he might meet Gulf if he'll go back and wander what will be his reaction. 

The moment Mew and Type arrived in Thailand, his father informed him that they had to attend a reunion. He doesn't know much detail about it, all he know is that they're going to meet his Dad's old best friends. 

After three days,  the reunion night has come. Six o'clock, they're now ready to go. Mew carried his son and his father is bringing his son's belongings. They're now in the car when his father talked, 'son, we might stay there for the whole night if they wanted to' 'No, problem dad!' Mew answered. After one and half hour of drive, they arrive in their destination. 

The house isn't just a simple house but a mansion. The whole place is fancy however, Mew noticed something. 'Dad, I thought it's a reunion why there are only few people?' Mew asked. 'Well, there are only my friends' family. I only have two friends so maybe there are only twenty people or so.' his father answered. Mew just nodded and followed his Dad. They stopped in a huge table outside the mansion with  a number of people talking. Mew saw Techno and Cloud, he's shocked to see them but he waved at them and just sit beside his dad. Mew is sitting while they're all waiting for the others when a familiar figure is standing in front of him. It's Gulf, he looked at him and Gulf froze for  a while. Mew is just observing him when Gulf go to his direction, he thought he's going to him but to his dismay, the stare and Gulf's reaction isn't for him. It's for the person behind him. 'Son, I hope you're not mad that I'm here!' Mr. Kanawut said. Gulf just guided him and let him sit. Gulf then looked at his dad with teary eyes when another middle aged man pat Gulf's shoulder and said 'It's okay son' Mew's father, Mr. Kanawut and Mr. Traipipattanapong stand up. 'Hello everyone, good evening I'm Anada Traipipattanapong' 'I'm Chai Son Suppasit' 'I'm Decha Kanawut' the three middle aged man introduced each other. 'Okay, my friends these are the members of my family family. Some of them are my children's friend and my nephews' Gulf's father said. Mew's father is about to talk when a nanny called Gulf. 'Sir, baby Kosum wont stop crying!' the nanny said. 'It's okay, let me carry her. Where's the mother?' Gulf asked. 'she isn't here yet sir' Nanny answered. Gulf then ordered the nanny to get the baby's milk. 'I'm sorry for the interruption everyone, please go on' Gulf said. 'Hmm, this is my son Mew and grandson Type, my wife and daughter (mew's step mom and half sister) couldn't attend because they're now outside the country.' Mr. Suppasit continued.  'Well, me I only have one if he'll accept me here. Gulf my son' Mr. Kanawut said while looking at Gulf.

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