Chapter 33

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For two weeks Mew didn't contact Gulf nor visit him in his condo. He's more focused in doing he needed to do so that he could set Gulf and himself free from the guilt they felt. It wasn't easy for him but when he got what he wanted it's all worth it. He's now ready to face Gulf without worries to hurt him. He prepared a present for Gulf as he's planning to visit him tonight. 

Gulf on the other hand waited his boyfriend for a week but there's no words from him even a single text. So he decided to accept the fact that they're done. What they had is just part of the past or a dream that he once have. He's hurt so bad but decided not to force himself to Mew anymore. He erased Mew's contact and left the phone that Mew gave him for their private use in his room at Techno's condo. He left Techno's condo so that it would be easier for him to move on, staying there would just always remind him all the good things they had.  He went back to his old condo and decided to stay there for a while. Gulf actually had a new condo given by Cloud and Techno after the success of the branch opening in Chiang Mai but he didn't have any plan to use it. However, this time he badly needs it so help him move on. . He'll move to his new condo after buying all the things needed. He's been busy shopping for furniture the whole week while Techno and Cloud kept sending him all the things he needed in his condo. After a week of deciding to move on from Mew and moving out from Techno's condo everything is ready. He's planning to bring some of the things in his old condo to his new one and replace it with brand new. There are few things that holds a sentimental value to him like the round table he bought with Techno years ago and some of the kitchen tools. He doesn't want to sell the condo as it's the condo he bought using the money he got from selling the apartment given by his aunt. 

After office, Mew went to Gulf's condo but he isn't there. He tried calling him but his number cannot be reached. He decided to get inside the condo using the spare key he has. As he comes in, there's a sudden feeling of loneliness in his heart. Lights are off and as he turns it on all the things are covered with thick cloth and clear plastic. He tried checking Gulf's room but to his surprise, all are covered too, he checks the closet hoping that Gulf's things are just there. Hoping that Gulf didn't move out. As he open the closet, his tears fell from his eyes realizing that Gulf has given up on him. There's only one thing left, it's the phone he gave him. 

Mew is just sitting on the bed crying silently until he remembers what Gulf told him. 'Let's give ourselves time to think if you still want to break up with me then just tell me. You know where to find me I'll wait but don't let me wait for long coz I'm fed up waiting for you for almost two weeks and it was killing me slowly. ' Mew cried remembering those words. 'Did he just give up on us?' Mew asked his self and then another sentences played in his mind 'I told you about this once. I love you so much that I'm willing to let you go if you want to. Well, you said you can't live without me but I think that was a lie. You survived without contacting me for almost two weeks while I was getting crazy thinking what to do just to reach you out.' Is this it? is it the end of everything? Did I just lose the only person I love the most? How could I be so coward and let him think this way? How can I go on without him? Mew asked multiple questions to his self.

Mew stayed there for few more minutes before he left crying. Trying to remember all the good memories they had. As he gets inside his car he then again asked himself 'Would everything I had with him turns into a beautiful dream?' As he starts his car engine he remembered a sentence from someone he talked last week 'A person who truly loves you will give everything to you no matter how difficult or painful it is. That kind of love is rare but you have to treasure it coz once they'll realize you're not worth it, they'll give up and leave you for good even if it means killing their own hearts' He then got the courage and tried to think where could Gulf possibly go. He's hoping that what he think is actually right. He goes to Gulf's old condo but hesitates to go down for a while. He's gathering all his courage when a car goes out. He runs towards the security guard and asked 'excuse me, is that Gulf?' 'No, it was his staff delivered something' the guard answered. 'Is Gulf there?' Mew asked again. 'No he isn't. He moved out, he was there only for a few days' the guard's answer made Mew lose all his hope. 'when?' Mew tried to ask in a tiny voice. 'He left here few hours ago but I don't know if he'll be back tomorrow morning or not.' The guard answered. Mew doesn't know what to do nor feel. He wants his Gulf back but he doesn't know how. He waved goodbye the guard and gets inside his car. He then look at the present he prepared for Gulf and said 'Now is not the time to give up'

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