Chapter 41

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Days turns into weeks, months and now a year. It's been a year since Gulf left and Mew is still waiting for his baby's comeback. He's been facing hundreds of problems. His company is on the verge of bankruptcy as he didn't pay any attention about it. First few months without Gulf was a pure hell not just for him but also to all the people around him. Even Run couldn't stand his attitude,  his employees left and he didn't even show any concern to his son whose mother is dying because of breast cancer. He only go to his father's house to hug him and cry all night long in his shoulder without saying a word. His father tried to cheer him up but there's no words which could ease the pain in his heart. Mr. Suppasit is hurt to see his son down like this but he can't do anything at that moment. Mew finally woke up to face reality when Natalie scolded him in his office. 


Mew is in his office looking outside through the window while drinking. Natalie broke into his office and grab the bottle of wine in the table and throw it near Mew's face. Mew was shocked as he never saw Natalie this brutal. Mew was about to scold her when Natalie spoke first 'If you want  to die then just fucking die Mew! Do you have any idea what's going on around you? they're all talking about your fucking attitude. Even Run can't understand you anymore and no one will, if you keep doing that! You want to die then wear my shoes and try to find out how hard it is to fight for your life because you have a son. Do you know why I didn't let you know about me being pregnant years ago? Well, it's because I don't want him to live with a fucking, stupid, idiot cold-hearted man who knows and loves no one but his self. I cut all my ties to everyone even to my own family just to avoid you. When your father found out about his grandchild he begged me to go back to you but I didn't. Look, While you're trying to kill yourself with all these shits , I'm trying to live for my son. I brought him back to you because I don't want to die and leave my son with nothing. I don't fucking care who you love or who'll you marry as long as you'll love our son. You know how hard it is to grow up without parents' love and presence please don't let our son experience the same thing. Type is too young to understand everything you've been through and too young to witness his father's miserable life. Remember, Gulf wont come back even if you'll keep doing all these shits!Just believe in him that he has reasons for leaving you. At least try to trust him if you can't then trust fate!' As Natalie finished scolding Mew, she fainted. Mew rushed her to the hospital, there the doctor keep reminding to avoid stress if she wants her life to at least prolong a little. Mew felt guilty and realized that he does nothing but hurt the people around him because of his selfishness. So, for the next months he tried his best to be a good father to his son until Natalie died. Natalie's death made him realize something. Life is too short to keep mourning and hurting his self because of someone. Now, he has to take the full responsibility for his son


Mew is in deep thought when his father called. 'hello son, you have to go to France now. I've prepared everything. Bring Type with you go to the airport right now, we'll wait for you there' 'What? why? why all of a sudden and how about you!' Mew answered full of confusion. 'Come here right now before it's too late' his father answered and ended the call. He then cover his self with all black clothing and drive straight to the airport. When he arrived the airport, he saw  his father and his son sitting on the waiting area. 'Dad, how about you?' Mew asked while carrying Type. 'I can't leave your company son, I have to solve everything here first' Mr. Suppasit answered. 'No, dad I don't care about the company. What if something will happen to you? I can't lose you dad' Mew answered with teary eyes. Since he made up with his dad, he can finally show his soft and weak side. 'Don't worry son. I have back ups and a strong protector. Please believe me, I can handle this. Here, take this phone with you. Someone will call you when you reach there. Take care son! I promise, after this I'll give you the best give that'll make you happy. For now, let's endure for a little longer. Take care of yourself and your son. Don't worry everything's prepared. You'll be staying at my house there. You'll be safe there' Mew's father said. Mew's hugging his father when 'This is the final boarding call for passengers Mew and Type Suppasit booked on flight 372A to Nantes City, France. Please proceed to gate 3 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for Type and Mew Suppasit. Thank you.' 'Go now son, see you.' His father said. 'okay Dad, bye. see you. Say bye to grampa Type' Mew answered. 'Bye bye grampa' Type said cutely. 

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