Chapter 32

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Gulf just got back from Chiang Mai while Techno and Cloud went back to the US. It's been almost two weeks since he last saw Mew. He kept texting or calling him but there's no answer at all. He did everything  he can to contact his boyfriend, he even texted and called his boyfriend's personal number but still no response. He wanted to go to his boyfriend's company but he's hesitating since he knows that it'll make him more mad. Last week before he went to Chiang Mai, he invited Mew to join the mini seafood party but no answer at all. He even waited for Mew the whole day but Mew didn't show up. So he went to Chiang Mai alone. He doesn't know what to do anymore. Every day and night he kept waiting for Mew. He can't even focus on his work. Mr. Suppapong could clearly see it through his works simply because he made two designs all in dark color which is unusual. luckily the clients liked the designs as both were amazing. 

Gulf is just in his room thinking what he should do. He's thinking of going to his boyfriend's company again but he remembers  the last time he went there it was bad. They ended up arguing each other badly even when they weren't in an official relationship yet. The time when he confronted Mew about his childishness and it looks like it's going to happen again. He then go outside and just drive around the city without destination, He doesn't want to drink again as he knows he wont be able to stop himself. He kept  driving trying to ignore the pain he's feeling right now. He doesn't want to think that Mew actually left him hanging but it seems true. He keeps doing the same until he hit a tree. Good thing he isn't hurt. 'Shit! I couldn't do this anymore. I'll surely die if I keep doing this' He said to himself until he decided to go to Mew's company without even thinking about what happened to his car. 

When he arrived there the security guard just let him in since he already knew him. He went straight to Mew's office but he isn't there. He waited for a while outside the office until Run arrives. 'what are you doing here Gulf?' Run asked. 'I want to talk to your best friend, where is he?' Gulf asked back. 'He's in a meeting, he'll be back in a few minutes just please wait inside' Run said and guided Gulf inside. Run has a bad feeling for this. The last time Gulf came here to confess his feelings to Mew was a complete mess. He's about to go back outside when Gulf asked. 'are you busy Run?' 'not really' Run answered. 'Can you stay here? whatever I'll say to your friend I want you to listen to it. You deserve to know' Gulf said. Run is about to ask when the door opens and there is Mew, holding a pen and a phone. 

Mew is shocked to see Gulf in his office. 'what are you doing here Gulf?' Mew asked casually. Gulf's blood is literally burning right now but he's trying to control his self. 'what do you think Am I doing here Mr. CEO? Maybe to play hide and seek?' Gulf said sarcastically. Mew knows where this conversation would go so he asked Run. 'Run, please let us talk privately' But Gulf stopped him. 'why? you're afraid to let him know what we are?' Gulf asked while looking at Mew's eyes angrily and then looked at Run and said 'You stay Run, just in case I couldn't control myself and beat him to death' Mews eyes got wider. He has never seen Gulf this angry. 'why? you want to kill me right now Gulf?' Mew asked mockingly. 'Yes but I'd rather kill myself for loving you so much than feeling this pain I have right now. Why Mew? what did I do? Why it seems to me that you already left me?' Gulf said pointing his heart. 'Wow, you really have the guts to say like that? while you slept with other man happily?' Mew answered. 'what? so you're acting like this because of Techno? my God Mew. He's my best friend!' Gulf argued. 'fucking best friend! I'm your fucking boyfriend Gulf, fucking boyfriend. You didn't even think about how I'll feel seeing you hugging him? sleeping with him?' Mew said. Trying not to shout. 'you're being unreasonable Mew. So unreasonable...' Gulf said trying to explain but Mew stopped him 'unreasonable? I'm fucking jealous Gulf. I'm jealous with your fucking best friend, your fucking Tharn, you even compared him to me! what Am I? exact opposite of him? you're all fucking having your party slash date while I'm hear left with nothing!' 'Don't you dare fucking curse them Mew' Gulf answered coldly. 'why you're hurt?' Mew asked. 'yes Mew, I'm fucking hurt. You're being jealous with Tharn? you said I compared him to you? I didn't say that. As far as I remember, I only asked Techno what he'll feel if I'll fall for a man like you? We visited Tharn's grave I was there telling him the good news that finally, I've moved on from him. That fucking seafood party? You were invited Mew. I texted and called you but you didn't respond I even call your personal number but you didn't answer. The guy friend I was talking about is you.' Gulf said. 'Fine, then why did you did you tell me that your favorite is chicken soup but the truth is its seafood? why did you have to lie to me?' Mew asked. 'I didn't lie to you Mew seafood was my favorite. was as in, in the past!' Gulf answered. 'why do have to sleep with your friend?' Mew asked again. 'My god Mew. He's my best friend and what should I do? it was your idea to keep this relationship a secret. I don't know what to do If I'll tell him you'll be mad So I didn't but you're being so mad. Then what should I do, tell me? You don't know how much guilt I felt, hugging him and keeping a secret from him while you're under the bed' Gulf said. 'Fine, it was my fault sorry. Happy? But I want you to chose. Me or your best friend?' Mew said. 

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