Chapter 40

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Mew got shot and is rushed to the hospital. Good thing it was just in the shoulder. He stayed in the hospital for few days as he is under observation. He kept calling and texting Gulf but he's unreachable. So all he does in the hospital is to wait for him. He's lying on the hospital bed when someone knocked, he's hoping that it's Gulf but it's not. It's Natalie, with their three year old son.  'What are you doing here?' Mew asked. 'I heard that you were shot so I rushed here with our son' Natalie said. 'I told you, i'm not your husband and will never be' Mew said. 'I know but how about our son? your son? I told you, I'm giving you few months before I'll leave.' Natalie said. Mew then went silent. This is the result for being an asshole for years, he didn't expect that he actually got his ex pregnant and now he has to face the consequences. Natalie didn't tell him about their child before. Well, who would? who would want to have an asshole husband? So he can't blame her and there's a part of him saying that he should be thankful that Natalie didn't tell him anything or else he wouldn't be able to know Gulf. He just hopes that Gulf could accept him. He feels guilty, guilty for keeping a secret to Gulf and guilty for he's now with his son but can't stop thinking about Gulf. The three of them plays happily as what his son Type requested. After a while, he then noticed Type getting tired so he asked him to lay down beside him. However, he's unprepared to hear his son's request. 'Pa, Ma let's hug please and take picture together' Mew's face turns pale but he looked at Natalie and nodded. 

They're taking pictures when Mew's father comes. 'Please leave us alone for a while Natalie' Mew's father said. 'You knew each other?' Mew asked. Natalie just nodded and left. 'Yes son, we know each other, I'm the one who supported his financial problems for years' His father answered. 'So, you're behind all of these and I wont be surprised if you're the one who tried to kill me' Mew answered angrily. 'Whether you believe it or not, it's not me and I'm not a criminal son.' His father answered. 'As if I believe you, If you're not a criminal then who the hell killed my body guards?' Mew said sarcastically. 'They're all alive son and they're living peacefully with their families in the house I bought for them. You may not want to hear me but I'll still say this. I know how angry you are to me but it's okay. Your mother and I didn't have problem. We were living happily despite the fact that we're both forced to be married. Yes, your mother and I are both victims of arranged marriage. Her best friend Elly was actually my girlfriend for a year when we were in college. However, after the college graduation your grandparents arranged an engagement party with your mom and we both don't have any idea about it. Soon, Elly broke up with me as  she don't want to ruin us. Unfortunately, your mother got sick and he didn't want to have an operation. It was all her choice, he searched for Elly and hire her as my secretary. I confronted her about it but she wanted us to get back together. It was her choice not to let you know all about these so that you wont experience the same thing as what we had. Your mother wants you to marry the person you love not someone who's a child of a business partner.  When she died I tried my best to fulfill my promise to her for your own good. Even if it was so painful for me to see you hating me. During your mother's funeral, I was there. I did everything I can to make you believe that I'm evil so that you'll do your best to be independent and reach your own goal' His father explained while crying. His father then added, 'I admit, I was the one behind all the problems you had with your past lovers that's because they're all business tools. Most of them are grandchildren of your grandfather's business partners. When my father died, I was finally free and I thought on making it up to you but your mother's father is doing the same thing as my father. So, I continued doing what I'm doing secretly' 

Mew couldn't believe what he heard and he don't know if he has to believe him or not. So he asked. 'And why are you telling me all these shits now?' 'Because, I wanted to be your father and someone made me realize how wrong I am. The person behind your shooting incident is Tharn's father. Your lover's ex. So please, if you want to live longer break up with him before it's too late' His father answered. 'No, why would I break up with him? I love him. He's my life without him I'm nothing but a pure trash' Mew scolded. 'Well, It's up to you but I've warned you. I can't promise that I'll be able to protect you this time as I can't fight illegal things illegally, that's beyond me. But at the same time, fighting him legally is impossible, he has a lot of illegal business partners and even a politician.' His father answered and left. The moment his father left, Mew just cried silently. Crying without knowing the exact reason behind it. All he know is that he want Gulf, his safe haven. He knows Gulf is the only one who could brush away his pains and doubts. Good thing, he'll be released the day after tomorrow. The first thing he'll surely do after going out from the hospital is to visit his baby. 

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