Chapter 3

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It's been a month after the incident. Now, Mew is anxious as he didn't hear any news about the cooperation. He badly need a top notch graphic designer in order to compete against his father. Mew grew up only with his mother's care. When he was 14 his mother died because of cancer and he became angrier to his father as he never showed up during that painful day. He went to his father's company to confront him only to find out that he's having an affair with his mother's best friend. That day, he promised himself that he'll use all the wealth from his mother to revenge to his father. He successfully made it for the first few years but not now. His father became more successful and he can't take it. He doesn't want to lose. He's in his deep thought when Run interrupted him.

'hey buddy, wake up. Here is what we waited for. The result and guess what, yes we got him, we got Mr. Kanawut out of the blue.' 'oh that's not a surprise. We offer a high salary so they'll go with us.' Mew answered. 'no. you got it wrong. Mr. Kanawut didn't accept because of the salary. He actually accepted half of it.' Run. 'hmm. So what could be the reason?' Mew. 'Well, I don't know really. Okay here're the things we must do. According to the CEO, we should provide his own office or a little space would do. Next, we must not let him report or speak in front of the crowd, he'll bring his assistant with him.' Mild. 'and that's all?' mew. 'Nope, we shouldn't touch his personal life and lastly, flexible time he can work according to his availability but he assures that before living the company he'll finish all the given task.' Run. 'that's pretty easy.' Mew. 'a piece of reminder Mew. You should make the most of your time while he's here. He'll only stay for 5 months at the same time you should be careful or else we'll lose him. Remember that.' Run. 'I know that.' Mew. 'so he'll start?' mew. 'next week. So we should prepare all the things he needs at the same time all the task he should do.'

Monday. Gulf needs to start working with Mew. It's just a normal working day for him. When he arrive at the company his assistant is already waiting for him with Run. Run welcomed him and his assistant then guide him to his office which is basically Mew's office. He's given a little space inside Mew's office and his assistant would stay near the table of Run which is located outside the office. Run handed all the things he needed to do finish within a week. 'if you have any question please don't hesitate to ask me I'm just outside.' Run. Gulf nodded and signaled his assistant. He gave instructions to his assistant and proceed doing his tasks. He did according to the instructions written. He's busy doing his task and didn't notice the time. His assistant called him for lunch. He ask his assistant to eat lunch with him inside his office. 'Jane. Let's eat lunch here I brought lunch with me.' Gulf. They eat lunch silently and having small conversation about work without knowing that Mew is just observing them. After lunch break they continued what they're doing. At around 3 o'clock he finished some of his task for a week he called his secretary to get the papers he has done and give it to Run. Run is surprised to see the great work gulf has done and give it to Mew. Mew is amazed but he didn't show it and ask Run to call Gulf and meet him.' Gulf goes to Mew's table and ask him. 'You called for me sir?' gulf. 'yes. Why don't you explain this great work of yours to me?' mew. 'excuse me sir but its clearly stated in the contract that I shouldn't talk nor report to anyone about my job. If you have any problem with it please tell me directly so that I could change it directly.' 'oh I forgot about that, my bad. Can I asked you why you accepted our company among all the companies? I know it's a little personal but I just want to know. So that I won't feel awkward or embarrassed , you know about..' Mew. 'I have my personal reason why I chose this company but I'm afraid I can't tell you as it is personal. Rest assured that my reason isn't about revenge, be friend or any other reason. Please, don't feel embarrassed, I don't hold grudges at the same time I'm here to work not to discuss personal matter. I'm known to be professional when it comes to work abd I'd definitely do the same here. If you have any questions or anything about work, please tell my assistant. Please excuse me'

Mew couldn't believe himself. why? why do I have to ask that. I need to focus, focus Mew or else you'll definitely regret in the future.

Gulf called his assistant to prepare for them to leave. He has to go home early for dinner. Techno is now okay but they planned to have dinner outside. 

'sir, Mr. Run, gave it to me. He asked if you could add the details that they wanted to have' Jane. 'Okay, I'll bring it home, I'll send you an email tonight and you can send it to Mr. Run' Gulf said. 'Yes sir,!' 

While Gulf is preparing to leave, his phone rings  'yes, cielo, i'm about to leave, yes, anywhere would do, did you drive?, please call a driver, you know i'm worried it's been only a month. Go call him or no dinner, okay thank you, bye see you in a while my cielo' Gulf talks to Techno, without knowing Mew is listening to him. 

Mew can't understand why she's irritated how Gulf talks to someone over the phone. 'my cielo ha?' He thought.

Mew, just staring outside the window when Run enters.

'Mew, oh come on my friend. Are you now in love?'

'shut up Run, Run what's the meaning 'my cielo'? 

'Oh I don't really know, where did you get that word? Run.' 'ah i just heard Gulf using it while talking someone over the phone' Mew. 'Don't you dare ruin everything Mew, that's a personal matter' 'yes, i know Run, i'm just curious'  'i hope so' Run says.

P.S. CIELO means 'sky' in spanish.

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