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I hate him so so much. I say under my breath as I close the door to my house.

"Who do you hate?"I scream looking behind me to see my mom laughing, slapping her knees, and doubling over with mirth.

"Would you stop laughing? You almost gave me a heart attack!"

She doesn't stop."Y..you should have seen your face"she says trying to gain her composure back.

I groan taking a step to go up the stairs to my room.

"Wait"she chuckled "Did you find Kate?"

"Yeap and i gave the book to her."

I say looking at her and she suddenly turned serious.

"Were you crying?"


"What?No.Of course not."

"What happened? Who were you talking about when you said you hate him?Is it Kyle?"She inquired calmly.

"No mom.It's not Kyle"i said slowly feeling like my heart was breaking all over again.Maybe she deserves to know so she can give me advice on how to get over him.

"Jaden"she concluded

I just looked at her with a sad smile on my face not saying anything .

"You like him"It wasn't even a question.She knew.Was i that obvious?"Does he like you?"

I shook my head .I didn't trust myself to speak.I knew my voice was going to break.I hate the fact that Jaden is able to mess up with my emotions like this.

"Did you two have a fight just now?"I nodded"Did he tell you he didn't like you?"I shook my head

"I...i know he doesn't"i muttered my voice shaky"i just walked away."

"Honey"mum said holding my hands"you don't know that for sure."

"I do"i replied softly"For the first time in my life i found someone who i really like but he doesn't feel the way.But it's fine,i will get over it."

Mom was about to say something when her phone rang and she excused herself.Thank heavens!Another word and i would have broken into tears.I go into my room ,wash my face and get ready to take a nap.All this stress is tiring me up.Just then,I hear a knock at the front door and i ignore it.About ten minutes later,i hear mom calling for me.

"Marissa come down"

I groan into my pillow and get up.

After walking down the first steps i realize who is at the door and i freeze.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"M ,be nice"mom chided

Seriously!What is she on about?This is the guy who we  were talking about minutes ago.The reason why she was so concerned about me,and now she doesn't seem to mind that he is in our house.

"It's the first time Jaden is visiting our house so...."My mom grins and then she narrows her eyes at me "wait...is this the first time that he has been inside the house?"she smiles widely

What is wrong with her?I look at Jaden and i can see a small smirk on his lips.I wish i had opened that door.I could have closed it in his stupid face.

"Come on Jaden .I was just making some tea"

"I don't think he is here to have tea with you mom."I answer looking at Jaden

"Actually,i would love that.Thank you"He beamed and then followed my mom to the kitchen.

If not for the simple reason that i don't trust Jaden,then i would have gone to my room and left them to their tea.But i don't.And he might tell my mom embarassing stories about me that don't even exist or my mum might embarass me.I don't like either of those two scenarios.

I also don't like the way those two are getting along.Am going to break that good impresssion my mum has on him.He is a heartless person.Nothing else.I will not stand by while he puts on a show and makes my mom think otherwise.

I find both of them with a cup of tea and i see mine already ready on the table.I sit down and i look up,only to see mom grinning at me.

"So Jaden"she starts"how's school?"

"It's okay.But honestly am just waiting for high school to end.So much drama"he comments and i scoff.He would know!

I see mom look at me and i just look down at my tea.The last thing i need is her scolding me in front of Jaden.I have already embarrassed myself enough when it comes to him.

"Have you thought of any universities you want to go to?That's like every seniors' thought when they are about to graduate"

"Yes .Actually, both Kyle and i want to go to South C ."

I choked on my tea.I have always known the universe hates me sometimes but really!Mom was beaming.

"Really?"her voice grew bubbly"that's such a great university.Marissa wants to go there too"

"Really?"Jaden emphasized looking at me "Yeah,whatever"i answered ,not looking at him.

"You guys will enjoy it so much there.Am sure of it"mom grinned.

"Where is Maisie going?"i blurted out,then looked at Jaden.He narrowed his eyes at me,so many emotions in them but none of them clear to me.

"Maisie is Jaden's girlfriend"i explained looking at my mom and then taking my tea.

She just looked at me and then chuckled "Honey,i thought you knew Jaden more than i do.Because i know for sure,that he doesn't have a girlfriend."

"Well, you wouldn't know that mom because you don't go to my school."I smugly replied.

 She giggled then stood up and put our cups in the kitchen sink. 

"You kids have fun."She beamed turning around "I will be in my room if you need me."She said, patting me on the head and left the kitchen.What is wrong with her?

"What did you tell her?"I hissed,looking at Jaden.

"Nothing"he said smiling

"Whatever it was,i would appreciate it if you didn't lie to her again."

"I didn't lie about anything."He replied calmly.

"Yeah right.Because that explains why she was so sure that you don't have a girlfriend."

He smiled.

"Stop smiling"

He chuckled."Your mum is so sweet.Such a pity you didn't inherit that from her."He smirked

"And now that she's gone you can leave too."I told him,standing up and leaving him in the kitchen.


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