I take a one minute shower and put on the first pair of clothing that my eyes fall upon. Slamming my door behind me I start to leave but remember I have no clue how much time I have. He can be leaving any moment from now. His house takes a full ten to fifteen minutes from mine.


I go to Lexi's room but I'm met with an empty bed.
I check the whole house, Mom's not here, Doris's not here. shit shit shit.

Then my mind goes to someone I would've never thought.


I immediately run to his office in the house. I open it with hesitation, hoping he won't mind. It sucks not knowing how to drive a car.

"Dad?" I say timidly. His head turns in my direction. Wrinkles forming on his face, he puts the paperwork in his down and leans forward.

"Yes?" He asks.

"I need you to drive me somewhere," I say realising my breath.

"Right now?" He looks at the clock.

"Yeah, right now." I nod.

"But I have a-" he starts but immediately stops himself when he looks at my face. Maybe I look like I'll cry any minute, maybe I look like I'll start screaming any minute.

"Okay." He nods standing up "Okay."

"Thank you." I jump going in for a hug but stop myself when I remember we aren't what we used to be like.

I step back and start moving to the garage. I'm sure he noticed. Way to make a fool out of yourself Alyssa.

I tap my feet as my anxiety grows with each minute.
We pull out of the garage, I give him the directions to his house.

"Is it about that boy?" He asks and I freeze.

"Boy?" I ask.

"Yeah, the one with red hair you know." He says with a little smile.

Who told him?

"Alyssa don't act as if I don't see anything." He laughs off.

He knows?

"Yeah," I reply shortly to him, cutting off our conversation. I can't take two big things at the same time. Someday I'll take care of it too. Hopefully.

He pulls up at his house and I remove the seatbelt running towards him when I see a figure picking up a brown box, possibly containing his belongings.

"Ryan!" I scream gaining his attention.

"Green?" He says, unsure how I showed up here.

"You were going without seeing me?" I try to laugh it off but it comes more out as a wheeze.

"Umm." He scratches his neck but I push his shoulder playfully.

"Why?" I ask softly. He leads me to the park in the neighbourhood.

"We have been planning it since we got to know about, his-his- his condition," he says

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