"Aurora King, what have I told you about sitting on my counters?" Isaac said as he made his way towards her with a hint of a smile. She looked at him with her mouth stuffed with muffin, only now taking the time to realise his floral apron that was dusted in white from flour. Isaac fulfilled the motherly role in the family, clearly. None of her other brothers would be caught dead in an apron. He was always baking, cooking and cleaning. None of them ever actually told him just how motherly he was, though, knowing his ego would be bruised and they might just be denied one of his tasty treats. She swallowed quickly before replying.

"This house doesn't have any rules yet" Aurora shrugged, knowing that within the three days that they've been there there's no way he could have a list of rules already.

"Well rule number one is no arses on my counter" He shot back, taking the apron off, the proceeding to clean the counter top with a damp cloth. The young girl smirked to herself.

"That's okay I'm sure I'll find some guy who would let me sit on him instead" She grinned sweetly, swinging her legs beneath her. Isaac froze and she fought the urge to laugh. He looked at her appalled. Isaac went to open his mouth, no doubt to scold his sister for her foul words, however, he was cut off by another brooding figure entering the room.

"Do that, and he won't live long enough to even get it to stand up" Levi growled as he halted in front of his devious sister. She looked up at her eldest brother cheekily and cooked her head to the side when he raised an eyebrow at her daringly.

"Who said anything about sitting on his lap?" She asked innocently. Isaac gasped and Levi balled his fists, resisting the urge to grab her and cut her tounge off.

"I'll kill Elijah, he has the worst influence on you" Levi hissed. She grinned thinking of her other brother who also had a foul mouth and who she admittedly got hers from. Most older brothers would never dare to say such things around their 'little sister', and the rest of them wouldn't, besides Elijah of course.

"No you won't, none of us are a good influence on her. You can't pin it all on Elijah" Isaac reasoned. He was definitely the most sensible out of all them, Atlas following close after. He did what he had to do withing the 'family business', yet only outside the walls of their home. He refused to invite any aspect of their work into the house, especially violence, but that doesn't always work out in a house with seven boys. And a cheeky girl always looking for trouble.

Levi gave a side glance at Isaac, knowing he was right of course, but rolling his eyes nevertheless. "Maybe I'll chop his tounge off instead" He muttered to himself, clearly unhappy. Aurora bit her tounge to stop herself from laughing and hopped off the counter. She made her way into the living room to find the other two delinquents.

"Hello, wombies" She grinned, plopping down into the small gap between them, which really meant laying half on top of them. Atlas smiled down at her while Axel shoved her off him.

"I'm starting to think there's a pair of wombies in you. How much do you fucking weigh?" He huffed. Aurora rolled her eyes and turned to lean against Atlas's side to kick Axel further down the couch.

"I weight the same as a tone of feather" She answered smartly. A curly strand fell down over her face and she huffed in annoyance.

"A tone of feathers isn't any lighter than a tone of bricks Aurora" Atlas answered calmly, brushing the annoying strand of hair out of her face, though not bothered to look up from the book in his lap. The three of them shared the same curly blonde locks. Axel preferred to keep his cut, tight on the sides and heavy on top, ya know the style I'm talking about. Atlas however, preferred his longer. It worked out for Aurora cause now he let's her do cute little braids in his hair to practice.

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