Chapter 55 - Dark Side

Start from the beginning

"You can't keep me here forever!" I shouted.

"Hmm relax, young one." A creature below me says. I look down and see this tiny little grey thing walking around below me. "I've been here for more years than I can count. There is no escape." It said.

"I am a Jedi with some incredibly powerful friends." I spat.

"Hmm yes, but they are not powerful enough." The creature replied.

I glared down at it as menacingly as I could.

"Hahaha, let me do the easy part for you." It said as it climbed onto me. It did something to my cuffs and they came off. I landed on the floor and stepped away from the creature. "That's the easy part." It said.

"What's the hard part?" I asked.

"The hard part is what goes on in here." It said as it pointed at the side of its head.

As it did so, I began to feel slightly light-headed.

"What's, going, on?" I asked. I looked down to see the creature holding my arm just as it bit me. "What the?" I shouted as I drew my arm to look at it, just as it became excruciatingly painful.

"Hahaha, you are mine now." The creature mocked as it turned back into the son. I clutched my arm as my head began to fill with horrible, horrible thoughts and darkness. Very quickly, it wasn't just my thoughts that were turning to black, but my vision too. Within a matter of seconds, I blacked out.

(Y/n) pov

I've been walking for about half an hour now and I've just made it to the stairs to the tower. I immediately began to climb up them. I had to get to Ahsoka as quickly as I could.

As I got nearer the top, I could hear fighting going on. I could see the son and daughter fighting each other, but no Ahsoka. I continued going to find my Ahsoka as I got to the top of the tower.

I walked onto a plateau and saw my Ahsoka standing over by the edge.

"Hey Ahsoka, it's me (y/n)." I said. "We can go now." I said.

"Do you love me?" She asked.

"Of course Ahsoka! I will always love you." I said

"He's right." Ahsoka snapped as she turned around to face me. Only then could I see that she had yellow eyes and black, cracked skin.

"What's he done to you." I gasped as I stepped back.

"Always with the criticism." Ahsoka said as she turned around.

"This isn't you Ahsoka!" I shouted. "The son has poisoned you! Snap out of it!"

"Is this not me?" She said. "I feel more like myself then I ever have!" She shouted as she began to laugh to herself. "Even more, he says if I disobey him, he will kill me!" She says with another evil laugh.

"I won't let him kill you." I said.

"Then you will have to kill me!" Ahsoka shouted as she turned to face me and drew her green lightsaber. I didn't have any weapons which wouldn't hurt her other than my own lightsaber, so I drew that.

Ahsoka leapt at me and began to slash furiously at me. I tried to do everything I could to just dodge her shots, until I remembered, I can take lightsaber hits. I put my lightsaber away and let Ahsoka hit me with hers.

"I'm not going to hurt you Ahsoka." I said as she continued to hit me.

"Just die already!" She shouted.

"I'll never hurt you, I promise." I said as I looked down at her.

"Fight me! Kill me! You know you want to!" Ahsoka shouted.

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