The prodigal gal: 21

Start from the beginning

Laurie, Ramses and Amethius all shared a look.

"Am I missing something?" Elizabeth asked.

"You can wish her away, but she wouldn't just disappear she would go to someone else, either the person who made the wish or to someone close to them." Ramses replied truthfully.

"There must be a work around, maybe could wish her back into her old body." Aaliyah suggested.

"That could work, only it could affect Laurie seeing as how she was the one that destroyed her body. Wishes are very tricky." Amethius replied.

"I'll do anything to help your family Mrs Bloom." Ramses said.

"There has to be another way, and we'll find it." Laurie said.

"You all are the experts, witches... don't you have any spells or potions... anything?" Elizabeth asked.

"We do, but we need more information on black sun magic, our information on them is very limited." Akinyi replied.

"You guys can help with that, right?" Laurie asked the shadows of the black sun people.

"Anything you need Mistress."

"Alright, the only other thing is the host body, we'll need it to see what can be done."

"I'll take care of that. Ramses and Jaden I'm gonna need those relics I gave you, Elijah and Aaliyah I hope you guys don't mind me holding onto them awhile longer."


"Kick her ass."

"You can't go alone, not with all those zombie people." Elizabeth said soundingvery worried.

"We'll send some of our warriors." Mr Macharia said.

"I'll give you my aid to repay our debt to you." Amethius added.

"I've always wanted to beat up some zombies." Empress said.

"And of course we are always with you." the shadow people said.

"Then we have a plan."


Laurie's house was surrounded by zombies, her neighbours, people from all over town, reduced to slaves following Sojourner's every command.

They looked hungry as the day looked bleak. Their body language was sloppy yet aggressive, their moans were haunting and their eyes burned bright like the black sun.

"You are very strong." Sojourner said circling Shawn who had just broken out of her bonds for the second time.

"Maybe I should use you as my next vessel."

"Forget about it, you don't wanna mess with my family."

"You might be right, you see Author told me who you are, young Prince. However that's not the reason I won't take you over."

"Oh yeah?" Shawn replied.

"It is because you do not possess any black sun essence, I would not be able to survive inside your lesser body."

"Says the woman occupying her grandson's body just so she can hold onto dear life after getting her ass handed to her by her great granddaughter." Shawn replied then Sojourner slapped him across the face.

He was about to retaliate when she reminded him of the hundreds of zombies ready to kill for her.

"How could you do this to your own family?"

"Oh don't act so noble Prince of the sea, your mother is no innocent." Sojourner replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Shawn asked then an explosion went off and the front door was blasted open.

Mistress Of The Shadows: Guardian Of The RelicsWhere stories live. Discover now