Chapter 12

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The aftermath of losing someone is always the hardest part. Ava's body has been returned to mother nature, and her spirit has most probably transcended into heaven. A place of no troubles at least she is set free from this earth she won't have to deal with heartbreak, but I'm still here. I still have to move forward with longingness and constant pain screaming out for her.

“It's cool that they did that for her.” Ameria looks over at Ava's locker still blooming with cards, sticky notes, and flowers.

“Yeah, I overheard Principal Judith at the office talking about dedicating a bench to her,” Skyler says as her fingers glide away on her phone.
“A bench!” Ameria steps back “they making it seem like benches were her favourite thing in school. Why not dedicate a piece of art to her?”
“That would make more sense actually,” I add. “She did love art she spent most of her time in that art class more than any other place.”

“Exactly,” Ameria exclaims and throws her hand to the air. “Anyways are you and AJ Good?” Skyler asks leaning onto a locker.
“To be honest I don't know. You saw how caring he was during the funeral but after that, he got sorta cold.”

I slam my locker shut and the bell rings.
“Ugh now we have Math," Ameria rolls her purple eye shadowed eyes.

“I don't know what you complaining about your good at it,” I say as I begin to walk down the hall. Bodies shuffle past me some run to their class, others drag their feet and floors squeak with every step they take.

I enter the math class the board is scribbled with equations. Equations I know I will not understand. Sometimes I wish this subject didn't exist. Some students occupy their sits. I don't have to go so far to find my sit it's right in front. I got a perfect view of this board and the posters filled with math terminology. Mrs Ruth has placed all failing students in the front and all top achieving students at the back of the class.

Ameria steps in the class, zipping up her black leather jacket, she's still in all black just like at the funeral.

“You got this,” she mouths to me. It's a thing she always does to motivate me for math. It's sweet, but It doesn't make me want to try my best to ace this class. Mazin follows right behind her with his hands tucked into his black sweatpants and ears occupied with headsets. He nods up at me and his crystal necklace jingles a bit. I nod back at him and he disappears to the back of the class. Not surprised that he's not failing this class I mean just because his a heavy stoner doesn't mean he's dumb. AJ steps into the class he throws me a peace sign. He never wears shades to class, so he must be hiding his blood-red low faded eyes. He even has a little hop in his walk today, like he's bouncing off the face of the earth.

Skyler trails right behind him Her wavy long hair flows right behind her and she pushes back her chair, it screeches. And she takes her seat right next to me.
She slams her books onto the wooden table and runs her fingers through it looking for the right page. More hushed tones of voices enter the class. Chairs go on scraping the floor. And soon enough the soft clicks of shoes become louder. Followed by delicate humming. Long model pasty legs enter the room and the humming stops.

“Morning class.” Mrs Ruth smiles with thin red glossy lips.
“Morning Mrs Ruth,” the class sings back.

She rolls up her blue dress shirt sleeves and takes her maker. “Let's go on from last week's lesson,” she says as she pulls the orange strands of her hair to the back of her jewelled ear.
“Nora, please open your book” she then spins on her heeled shoes to face the board.

I flip through pages of numbers and concepts. I stop paging at pencil scribbles made by Ava. Her messy loopy handwriting sits at the top corner of my book.

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