chapter 8

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It can't be true. That's the thought that runs in my mind like a hamster on its wheels. How can she be gone? It's so difficult to comprehend. I can't wrap my head around it and I know as I stand here with the cool breeze hitting my skin. And the eerie stillness in the atmosphere I know I'm not the only one with the same thought.

“But how?” I turn to face AJ finally breaking away the thick deadly silence. “How do you know she's... ” 

I bring my eyes to my white Nikes. I can't bring myself to say the words even the thought of it makes my stomach twist into small knots.

AJ sighs and drags his feet to me moving past Ameria who has her arms wrapped around herself.

“Ahem”, he clears his throat “well um”, his eyes fall to his feet

My stomach takes a dip lower into its self. It does cartwheels swimming into its deadly acidic waters.
“I want to know AJ!”, I yell at him with impatience running through my body.

“Jake found her” he looks up at me his eyes darker and glossier with pain.

I scoff shaking my head “you're not serious.”

His eyebrows twist his dark clouded eyes become clear and his bug-eyed “you don't believe him?”

“Of course I don't, anyone who believes him is a fool you know Jake is heartless his the type to make a joke out of this.”

This time AJ scoffs “well he ain't joking look at this”, his fingers run around his phone and then he lifts it.

Presenting a picture with the blue sign route 98, it's evident that with that sign it's the freeway.
Rows of cop cars are parked to the side of the road with the blood-red and blue lights shining so brightly they blur the image
Yellow tape is wrapped around the bark of towering forest trees.

“Well, I don't see Ava so it could mean anything.” I cross my arms over my chest

“Are you nuts you want to see a dead bod..” He stops himself “Jake wouldn't lie about this okay.”

“I still don't believe it, why don't we go to the freeway?”

“The fuck!”, Ameria hisses “are you serious right now?” she pushes AJ to the side.

“Yes I'm serious why does everyone believe Jake come on guys, the guy can be morbid. He can turn this into a prank.”

“She has a point”, Skyler interjects “this is Jake we are talking about. The same Jake who made fun of that ninth grader that almost killed herself”

“Exactly his probably laughing his ass right now, think about it.”

“Nah this is different”, AJ says

“I agree with AJ”, Ameria adds

I roll my eyes “well then the only way to find out is to actually go there. So who's ready to take a road trip?”

I look around the circle Skyler is still half alive with her blood-red inebriated eyes. AJ shakes his head. Ameria pouts and rolls her eyes. Mazin stands there expressionless. He's probably wondering what the fuck he has got himself in to. The rest of the eyes I land on are either A. confused as fuck or B. don't give a fuck.

“I'm up for it”, Skyler lazily raises her hand and leans on to Mazin.

“Y'all are crazy,” Ameria turns away from me she's about to walk out from the tight circle.

“No, we're right!” I bark at her and she stops in her tracks.

“Okay fuck it lets go then”, she throws her hands up in the air

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