Baking Out of Comfort

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"What about Luna?" Sadie asked. Lars shrugged his shoulders, not admitting to anything. I quickly realized why he was acting coy, and asked, "Lars did you make this?"

Lars looked at me in surprise, "No! Well, yes, but it's no big deal."

"Secrets out, Lars," Sadie said with a smirk. "Feels good doesn't it?" Lars blushed and waved a dismissive hand, "Ah, stop."

"Oh, this is amazing!" Steven said. "How'd you get it to look like a pumpkin?"

"I just made seven small crescent-shaped cakes and used cream cheese icing to hold them together," He explained, as if it wasn't a big deal. "Anyone with two hands and half a brain could do it. And, well, a recipe."

"That's his way of saying thanks," Sadie explained to us. Steven nodded, "I know. I speak Lars."

I giggled at Steven's comment, just as we all heard the store's front door chime. We all looked and saw not only Amos, but Buck Dewey, Mayor Dewey's son, walk into the store. I smiled upon seeing Amos, just as Lars stuttered, "B-B-B-Buck Dewey!"

Quickly, Lars grabbed the pumpkin cake and hid it under the counter. He then leaned on the counter, looking nervous and sweaty. The two walked towards us, Amos giving me a side hug. I hugged him back as Steven and I chorused, "Hi Amos. Hi Buck."

"Hey Steven, hey Luna," Amos said. Buck nodded at us and said to Sadie and Lars, "Hey donut kids."

"Hi Buck, Amos. What's up?! How's it going? What'll it be?!" Lars said hastily. Amos chuckled as Buck said, "I want to to come to dinner. Me, Jenny, Amos and Sour Cream are having a potluck. You know, like parents do. Except we'll be doing it. All four of you should come. You should bring some food because that's what you do at a potluck. It's so funny."

Lars laughed anxiously, "That is funny, Buck! It sounds great!" He gave a thumbs up, "Super cool! Can't wait!" He then made finger guns with his hands at Buck and Amos, "Bingo, bongo."

"Cool," Buck said with a nod. He turned to leave and Amos looked at all of us, "We'll see you guys later then."

"Bye Amos," I said as he and Buck left. The moment the two were out of sight, Lars put his face in his hands, groaning loudly. "'Bingo, bongo?!' Where did I even learn that?!"

"Yeah!" Steven said excitedly. He imitated Lars' finger guns, "Bingo, bongo! This is going to be great!"

"Hey, yeah, this is perfect!" Sadie realized. "You won't believe us when we say we like your cooking, but you'll have to believe it when it's coming from Buck."

Lars groaned and face planted into the counter. We all shared a confused look as I asked, "Uh, Lars?"

"I'm not going," He muffled through the counter. "What?!" The three of us chorused.

"You just got invited to a party with the cool kids!" Sadie pointed out. "Isn't that what you've always wanted? If anybody shouldn't go, it's me. But they know you; they like you!"

Lars lifted his head from the counter, shaking it. "Nah-ah. Nobody knows me. And nobody knows I can bake," Lars stated. "Well, I do," Sadie then gestured to Steven and I. "And so do they."

"Yeah, Lars, you should make this your big debut," Steven said. Lars stood up and thought for a moment. " has to be perfect."

-Time skip!-

Once Sadie and Lars got off of work, the four of us went over to Lars' house. His parents weren't home at the moment, so we were able to go up to his room. His room was in the attic and was a complete mess. His bed was against the far wall, in front of a window. The bed covers were falling off the bottom corner of the bed, and the sheets looked messy. Next to the bed was a green, cushioned chair. Near the door was a TV on a TV stand, with a gaming system next to it. On the left side of the wall was a mirror, with some clothes on hangers in front of it. Piles of laundry laid around the room, though Lars kicked some aside as Steven and I sat down at the edge of Lars' bed. Sadie took the green chair and Lars started pacing in front of us, thinking. We all watched, throwing out suggestions of what he should bake.

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