"Exactly," Sapphire replied.

"But I've never even seen another Amethyst before. What do I do? What if I say something wrong?" Amethyst asked, worried about blowing her cover. Sapphire put her hands up, gesturing for Amethyst to remain calm. "Just look the part. You're new and we're rusty, but we just have to sell this long enough to find Greg."

"Is this really going to work?" Pearl asked.

"No," Sapphire said simply. We all gasped and Sapphire quickly said, nervously smiling, "Just stick together. Play it straight. Let's change the future."

Pearl opened the door to the space ship and we all filed out. We remained behind everyone, Amethyst walking beside us in her new form. She had made herself taller and wore a purple version of the blue uniform the Amethyst guards wore. Our group walked up the stairs towards the guards, Sapphire leading, Ruby next to her holding a restrained Steven, Pearl behind them and then Amethyst and us. Sapphire approached the guards and stopped. Amethyst groaned quietly as the guard on the right glanced her over. The guard on the left asked, "State your purpose."

"I'm here to make a delivery to the human zoo," Sapphire said calmly. The guard on the right smirked and strolled over to Steven, "Bad news. The human zoo shut down, which means we'll just have to throw you in space."

Steven whimpered and both Luna's and Circo's anger flared up. But one glance from Ruby kept them both under control. But we couldn't help but curl our hands into fists at the remake. The guard sneered, "Look, it believed me."

Both amethyst guards laughed but not for long. The sound of heels walking across the floor came to a halt at the entrance of the door. A gem a few inches taller then the guards stood nearby. Her hair was white, with periwinkle and blue highlights closer to her head, since her hair was suppose to look like two cone shaped buns. She wore a similar blue uniform to the guards, but she had on a blue poncho, and black tunic underneath. Along with pristine, white knee high boots. Her skin was blue and her eyes were icy, which were currently directed at the guards.

"What are you doing?" The gem snapped. Both guards stood at attention, the left guard saying, "Nothing, Holly Blue Agate."

Holly glanced at our group and noticed Sapphire. She gasped and turned on her heel at the guards, "Why didn't you tell me there was a Sapphire here? What have you miscreants been saying to them!?"

"N-Nothing Holly!" The guards on the right stuttered. Holly Blue turned back to us, mostly talking to Sapphire. "You'll have to forgive them," She said, laughing. "They're from Earth. Ahem! Apologize."

Both guards bent their arms, making the diamond symbol for Homeworld. They both said, "Forgive us!" But that wasn't enough of an apology. Holly punched the right guard's shoulder, causing her to stumble into the left one. Unfortunately, both guards' gems were on their shoulders and clinked! against one another. We flinched as they muttered in pain. They quickly straightened themselves, saying, "Forgive us, your Clarity!"

Sapphire raised a hand, saying, "No use dwelling on the past. I've brought a new human for the collection."

Holly clapped her hands together in delight, "How unprecedented! Nothing for millennia, and then three humans back to back! Well, it's probably for the best; the first two weren't in the best conditions."

We managed to keep it together, though Luna nearly caused us to speak out. However, Steven gasped and shouted, "Dad! That's him!"

Ruby shushed Steven but Holly had heard him. She laughed, saying, "Ohh, their incessant barking. What is it saying?! The other two were so loud, and all that thrashing about."

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