What they like about you?

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She likes how you are always there and ready to support her when she needs it. Messing up in a show is rare however knowing that you are prepared to fix things is great. Your compliments also make her day.


He loves how you get in trouble alongside him and you two make a great team. This obviously annoys other staff members but you two don't care. But if something goes a little too far then you are usually the one to halt the prank


He loves how easily you get flustered. One pick up line and you are blushing like mad. He loves how adorable you are and can't get enough of you. The fact that you have to wear a waitress uniform just adds to the cuteness.


He loves how kind you are to people who come into the casino and the other workers. He also loves how cute you are. Sure, your outfit might not be as cute as the ones that the waitresses or performers wear, but it certainly suits you. (I don't mean it as in you don't look good, I mean as if you still manage to rock it even though some of the other workers can't)


She loves how well you do your job. You are great at stopping trouble at the Casino and people know better than to mess with you. You can act all tough while working but as soon as it is just you and her, you are as sweet as honey. And she loves honey~ (At least she does in this universe)


He enjoys talking to you since you two are extremely close and he loves knowing that you are there for him. He also loves the fact that you trust him so much which is something he loves to be reminded of.

Hopus Pocus

He loves the fact that you don't find his craziness weird at all. He loves how you listen to him without judging unlike everyone else who just sees him as a massive joke. You pay attension to what he says and are always there to listen.

King Dice:

 He does love your singing voice but the thing that he loves more is how you see him. Your not after his money nor his looks. You truly love him which is something he will cherish. You like him for his personality, of course you still love his body and abilities but you mainly see him for who he really is. (not a cheating con-man but for the personality outside of work)


He loves how you understand his type of humor. He could joke to you about stuff that would scare the hell out of anyone apart from you. He also loves how he can literally gossip to you about the souls that he stole that day.

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