When he meets your ex

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Side note - Most of the scenarios here will show two different types of ex: abusive and the 'good ex' (the ex that you broke up with not because they were bad but because they had to move or something). It will go the 'good ex' first then the abusive one. Also, this is just something that would potentially happen if you had an ex and they met them. So if you haven't had an ex, it's fine you will just have to imagine.


She would be polite to your ex in terms of starting any fights and just chatting with them as if they are a normal person. She would probably be pretty cheerful with them but as soon as they are gone, she would turn to you and talk about how weird they were.

If your ex was abusive she would keep you far away from them and just verbally assault them for you. Eventually they would probably be removed by one of the guards.


Similar to his sister, he wouldn't fight your ex however would probably judge him from afar rather than stay around to chat. He might vaguely talk to your ex just because he doesn't want to come across as rude but would probably not try to come off as polite.

If your ex was abusive, then he would try and keep an eye on them to make sure that they don't try anything with you. If they do then he would step in and make sure they are taken away immediately.


He would talk to your ex a lot more than you expected however not the 'friendly way'. Instead he would boast about the amount of people he has taken down and all the fights he has had in his life, just to make sure that your ex knew their place and didn't try anything.

Abuse wise, he would 100% beat his ass as soon as he realized so you would probably tell him when your ex has left. At that point he would probably be pissed off at you for not telling him sooner and try to get them none the less.


He would just chat with your ex as if he was an ordinary person as a way to get to know his personality and make sure that your ex wasn't stalkerish or anything like that. Once he makes sure that your ex is a nice folk, he will probably just befriend them.

If they were proven to be abusive to you then Wheezy would roast them literally and figuratively. If a scene was started then he would throw a few punches and make sure that they were removed immediately.


She wouldn't say anything to your ex and would instead just stare them up and down in confusion as to why you dated them even if they weren't so bad of a partner. She would make sure that you were comfortable with them and just stay silent to not get involved.

If they were abusive, she would stick right to your side like glue and if she notices that you were getting too uncomfortable with them, she would take you to her room to relax until they were gone.


He would be really awkward to your ex and wouldn't quite know what to do in the situation. He will try and start up a conversation but would eventually find the aura too intense and would back out before he made things too weird.

If they were abusive, he would be more confused as to why they decided to do it to someone as amazing as you and would just keep you away from them.

Hocus Pocus:

He would try and kill your ex no matter if they treated you good or not. You chose whether you wanted them alive or dead. If you chose alive then he would leave them be and would hide out until they left to make sure that he didn't try to kill them. If you chose dead then he would probably just saw their head off.

If you chose dead and told him they were abusive he would probably torture them for multiple hours before finally killing them off. If you chose alive even with them treating you like shit he would be so confused and would still harm them none the less.

King Dice:

He would politely great them before talking about how lovely of a lover you were to them. If they got too close to you, Dice will get jealous and will have to play these damn souls for their survival. If they didn't, he would just watch them until they left and then get real protective over you.

If he found out they were abusive, he would persuade them more than usual to gamble their soul away so that they got what they deserved. If they hurt you before that, then they would be dead where they stood.


Dead. Even if they treated you nice.

What else do you expect from the Devil?

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