What if you had a nightmare?

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It was just like any other day at the casino, you were doing your normal job and so were they. That was until something went wrong. Really wrong.

You were standing there. Talking to one of the costumers. It was just a casual conversation, nothing major. The woman was talking about her family life and how her child was some psychologist who worked near by. You weren't overly listening, not because you didn't care. You just felt...off

Your head felt foggy and nothing major stuck out.

That was until you noticed that your partner was no where to be seen. It weren't uncommon for them to have to go and work somewhere else. But something felt really wrong. Your gut was practically for begging you to go and find them. You tried to ignore the feeling but in the end, it became too strong for you.

You told the woman that you had to go, telling her some kind of excuse based on your job. She seemed to believe you and let you go, with a simple goodbye as her response.

You searched around the casino, your heart getting faster and faster as time went on. You couldn't find them anywhere. You looked up at the clock, noticing how it would have been their break and that they were probably in the alley way near the casino. Without wasting no time, you headed straight there, only to be greeted by the smell of blood and the sight of it oozing out of your partner's chest.

Everything around you froze and you stared at them, laying against the wall, a contorted expression on their face.

The last thing you heard was a scream, coming out of someone else's mouth. 


She happened to have finished her show and instinctively went to check up on you since you had previously told her that you felt sick. When she got to her room, she saw you curled up in bed, tears rolling down your face. With no hesitation, she darted over and shook you awake.

Once you had properly woken up, you found yourself with your head laying in her lap, with her looking down at you with a concerned yet reassuring smile on her face. She asked what had happened and after you explained it, she promised you that she would stay safe and didn't leave your side for a bit.


He was actually in bed with you but was out for the count and didn't notice straight away. He only noticed when half of the blanket had been ripped off of him and you had almost fallen of the bed with your shifting. He attempted to wake you up gently but you still fell off the bed anyway.

He freaked out and made sure that you were okay before asking what had just happened. You explained and he told you that he was strong enough to handle himself if something like that was to go down.


He happened to walk into the room after getting a midnight snack and saw you clinging onto a pillow for dear life. He froze for a moment, not quite knowing what to do in the situation however once you let out a sob, he went right over. He lightly shook you awake and you shot up, panting and gasping for breath

He sat beside you for a while, helping you calm yourself down through soothing words and gentle pats on the back. Once you were completely calm, he reassured you that he weren't going to die any time soon.


He happened to walk in and see you freak out. He got under the covers and pulled you towards him, gently shooshing you whilst rubbing your back. In the end, you woke up in his arms with him comforting you. He continued to hold you for the rest of the night, not daring to get up or anything.

In the morning, he asked you what had happened and you explained it.


She was reading in the living room connected to the dorms and noticed you were shaking on the couch. She walked over and before she could tap you on the shoulder, you shot up and scared her. You apologized profusely to her once you got a grip as to your surroundings. She merely shushed you and sat on your lap, holding you.

She didn't ask you about the nightmare and instead distracted you by talking about other stuff. 


You woke up with a start alone in your bed. Before you had a chance to freak out about where the hell he was, he walked in with a mug of your favourite drink (probably nothing with too much sugar or alcohol in though). The two of you proceeded to sit in bed, with you talking about your nightmare and him reassuring you about it.

You two stayed up the rest of the night just chilling out.

Hocus Pocus:

You woke up alone and freaked out. You darted out of your room and found yourself instantly relaxing when you caught him crashed out on the sofa, with not a single drop of blood on him. It was pretty late so you didn't want to wake him up. 

In the morning, he woke up to find you curled up next to him. Once you woke up, he asked what happened and you chose to leave it at

"I just felt a little bit lonely,"

King Dice:

You were alone in bed and just like with Hocus Pocus, you left your room to find him. In the end, you spotted him in his office, working on some kind of document. In relief, you accidently let out a sob and caught his attention. He saw you straight away and instantly started asking questions about what had happened.

He stood up and dragged you into his embrace whilst you explained the situation. In the end, you fell asleep on his shoulder while he continued on with his work.


You woke up and instantly saw him next to you, still asleep. But he was there and safe so you didn't care. You moved slightly closer to him and relaxed, easily being able to reassure yourself that he is the Devil. It would take a lot to actually kill him and the situation was highly unlikely.

Ok I promise you I will do like a part 2 where they have a nightmare at some point. I just currently have a few other ideas I want to work on first.

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