Chapter Forty-Seven: The Other Brother

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    "Help." He said.

    Bobby called for the boys who were in the kitchen having yet another hushed discussion.

    Cas led the body to the cot and Jessica helped him place whoever was unconscious down. She looked over Cas' form for any signs of injury but he looked fine. She moved her attention back to the guy on the rollaway bed. Sam and Dean both emerged from the kitchen and watch with wide eyes, with familiarity. Bobby turned to them.

    "Who is he?"

    "That's our brother," Sam replied and Jess had to do a double-take.

• • • • • •

    "So you have a brother?" Jess asked as Sam leaned against the sink and watched as she took out various containers. She had helped Karen reorganize all of the spices a few weeks back and she was glad that she had...seeing as no one else was gonna cook food that even resembled a meal.

    "Yeah." He answered and then asked, "What are you doing?"

    "Stress baking."

    "Again?" He asked.

    "I mean why not...we have another mouth to feed, what do you think of baked spaghetti? I've never made it but I'm up for the challenge. It'll definitely be a distraction from thinking about your unconscious brother in there... you know the one you failed to mention." She let out in seemingly one breath and pulled fresh ingredients from various places in Bobby's kitchen that Sam had bought a few hours ago.

    He grabbed the casserole dish Jessica was about to grease, "Look, we never mentioned it because he was dead."

    "He looks pretty alive to me." She said and took the casserole pan back, a bit forcefully.

    "I'm sorry."

    "Don't be sorry...I'm still riled up over Dean." She told him and placed the dish down before she could drop it. It had been Karen's and she wasn't about to break it. "Well ...are there any other Winchester siblings that I don't know about?"

    Sam laughed and shook his head no before asking if she needed any help with the cooking. Jess felt like he was shying away from the fact that he and Dean had a real related sibling but she said nothing and turned back to the task at hand. 

• • • • • •

    Later, after Jessica had kicked Sam out of the kitchen and was done cooking she heard voices from the other room. Dean, Sam, and Cas all seemed to be arguing over with whatever their 'brother' was dishing out. She tried to block most of it out as they were all having a family conversation and probably deserved some privacy but that didn't stop from the louder bits and pieces of their conversation to fly into the kitchen.

    "Maybe they're desperate. Maybe they wrongly assumed Dean would be brave enough to withstand them."

   "Alright, you know what? Blow me, Cas." Jess shook her head at the vulgarity, knowing it would fly over the angel's halo. 'Did he have a halo?' Jess thought.

    Still, her nose crinkled at Dean before moving back over to the stove. Just because she had yelled at him, thrown her fists up at him, and cried on him...did not mean she and the elder Winchester were square.

    "Look. After everything that's happened? All that crap about destiny? Suddenly the angels have a Plan B? Does that smell right to anybody?" Sam asked.

    Jessica shivered at the words. Whatever plans the angels had for the Winchesters didn't sit right with her. Why did they have to be vessels? Why did they have to sacrifice themselves? Who came up with this stuff? And now that they had a brother who wasn't's as if they didn't need Dean to do their dirty work anymore.

    "They said the fight might get pretty hairy, but it is the devil, right? So we got to stop him."

    Of course, they had to stop him but again how could they do it and save all those people?

    "Yeah, but there's another way."

    Jessica wasn't sure what to believe and even though she didn't know Adam...he didn't deserve to die be someone else's puppet.

    "Tell you one thing, with an attitude like that, you would have fit right in around here."

    Sam's words made her smile a bit. It was strange to think that Adam had been out there all those years and Sam and Dean hadn't known about him...of course until they found his corpse as Dean mentioned earlier, but it was still strange to think they had a brother that they knew nothing about.

    Soon, Sam rejoined her in the kitchen to tell her literally everything that had just went down.

    "You know these walls are kind of thin. I heard exactly everything you guys said. Anyway, I'll give it to them, the angels seem pretty adamant about making sure the end of days comes to pass soon." Jess said as she pulled the baked spaghetti out of the oven. She couldn't tell why though. Everyone kept saying it was the end of the world but something felt off to Jess.

    Sam didn't say much but he nodded his head in agreement.

    After everyone ate, the boys went downstairs to the panic room. Bobby had wheeled himself somewhere else in the house and for some reason, Cas who was supposed to be watching Adam was nowhere in sight. Jessica popped into the study and saw him just sitting there. She took a step into the room to grab her book and their eyes met.

    "Thanks for the meal."

    "No problem, I figured you'd want something hearty after uh, sleeping for so long? I'm Jessica by the way." She said and offered her hand.

    Adam seemed to grin and took her hand, "I'm sure you already know all about"

    "Yeah. So...uh, are you really gonna do this? Say yes to Micheal and stop Lucifer? I mean, you'll die." Jess said after their handshake.

    It hadn't been a far stretch to assume that was why he was here and alive.

    Adam offered her a seat, which she took.

    "Well, I was already dead...besides the Angels promised that they'd bring my mom back. She's my family Jessica. If you could bring your family back...wouldn't you do it?"

    Jess looked at Adam and considered his words. He did have a point and it was pretty valid. Jess willed the tears that wanted to spill from her eyes back in and took a breath.

    "I think if you would've asked me that a few months ago...I'd probably agree with you. I'd wish that I could bring my loved ones back. Now with everything I know, I wouldn't want my family anywhere near this life. It's stressful, we never eat enough and we're pretty banged up most of the time, not to mention the constant state of gloom and death that follow us around. So no, I'd never wish for them to be here."

    "But you'll never see them again...not in the way you want. Heaven isn't like all the stories." Adam told her but she already knew heaven wasn't what it was all cracked up to be. She sent him a sad smile.

    "I have to hope that they are at peace and if I never see them again... I hope they're happy. As for your mom, I hope you get her back." Jess said with a far-off look. Ever since she met Cas she never once asked about her mom. Would he even know where she and Rachel were? He probably had more important things to do than play messenger anyway.

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