"What makes you think that?" Synn asked in a low, daring voice. One that would usually make whom ever is on the receiving end of it quiver, yet this woman was unaffected.

The woman lifted her finger from his glass and shrugged. She hastily picked up her whiskey on the rocks and took a drink.

"Call it intuition" She dismissed. Synn rolled his eyes at the reply, putting pieces in his head which led to the solved puzzle stating that this woman was bat shit crazy.

"I wonder, why are you here tonight? Shouldn't a young fella like you be at a party, acting the maggot, celebrating another year you've been fortunately gifted?" The woman knew what she was doing as she watched his hands clench tighter, his head turning away from her to look at his hands which had veins visibly popping.

"I'm here to drown my sorrows with the thought that I was forced to live another year on this hell, wishing once again this year would be my last" The woman smirked at his gritted reply.

"Surely you don't mean that now, boy" Her sympathetic tone fooled Synn as he sagged his shoulders in defeat. To her, this was a game. "That's an awfully sad thing to say"

"It's even sadder that I mean it" He deadpanned, lifting the glass to his lips once more. The young man felt his existence on this planet was a waste of space that brought him nothing but pain and torture. As the years went on, he knew that nothing credible could change his will to live. Happiness and peace wasn't meant to exist in his life, as he accepted this a long time ago.

"What if I told you I could make your wish come true" Her offer caused Synns shoulders to tense once again. He titled his head to looked at her.

"Ten minutes!" Bruise called over the buzz in the room. However, Synn and the woman seemed to be in their own bubble.

"And how exactly would you do that? Wouldn't you be charged for murder?" Synn mocked. He eyed the aging woman and scoffed. "If I wanted to be killed, I would have a very willing volunteer"

"You would never give your father the pleasure. Just as your fear of doing it yourself has stopped you many a time" Synn slammed his hand down in the counter. Nobody seemed to hear the loud bang it made, though the woman didn't even bat an eye.

"How the fuck would you know anything about my father or me" He growled. His voice was low and threatening. The woman's knowledge of the stuff he never spoke of was unsettling, a silent reminder why he keeps it to himself. He could feel his heart beating at an ungodly pace, just as his breaths were becoming short pants.

"I told you, intuition" She dared. Synn wasn't happy with her answer, not liking whatever game she was playing. Yet a voice in the back of his told him there was no other way this woman could know such things. Synn withdrew his hand from the counter, his palm stinging as he clenched it in his lap.

"Five minutes!" Bruise yelled.

"Now, are you willing to listen to what I have to say?" She quirked an eyebrow. Synn remained silent, so she took that as a que to keep talking.

"I can grant your wish. But only at a cost. Your refusal to see the good in life is your unhappiness, Synn. Therefore, I will give you six months, in which those days would be the best days of your life. However, when the clock strikes twelve six months from now, your wish will be granted" She looked proud at her offer. Synn, on the other hand, found her ten times more crazy. He didn't ponder over how she knew his name, putting it down to the fact she may have heard Bruise saying it earlier. He managed to get his heart rate and breathing under control once he came to the conclusion this woman was very simply, mentally ill.

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