Little Do You Know

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A/N: I know...another songfic. What can I say, music speaks to me 😂.

Anywho...important note:

Italics = Natasha

Bold = Steve

Bold and italic = Both

*****Also...I am very sorry for the delay in's been a wild time, as we all know. I'm currently in the middle of trying to write on ten different things at once, a couple of which will be up on Wattpad soon (I hope). And it's been hard to find the inspiration to write anything Marvel with the delays changing all the time. But, I will do my best to keep the updates coming a bit more regularly now.*****

You guys are the best! Happy reading!

Little do you know

He didn't understand her. No matter what he said, no matter how he tried to pry the demons of her past from the confines of her mind.

He didn't understand who she was.

How I'm breaking while you fall asleep

He didn't understand what it was like for her to sleep. To be vulnerable like that. She never slept unprotected, nor unchained.

Little do you know

She always knew when he fell asleep. She felt his large muscles go slack once the deep pull had taken him. And she always slipped from the bed then, knowing he wouldn't wake.

I'm still haunted by the memories

She remembered everything. Or she thought she did. She could never be sure. They'd ripped away her true reality, and left her with faulty memories that made everything that much more confusing.

Little do you know

She crossed her arms over her chest as she slunk over to the large window on the opposite side of the room. He'd had a little window seat built for her, knowing she loved to sit in the one in the living room, to read or contemplate a mission.

It was a safe haven for her. A little place that was hers, and hers alone.

I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece

She thought about the memories that plagued her.

She had parents. And a brother. She killed him. She'd had a baby with her first love, at sixteen, but she was stillborn. She'd named her Rose anyway.

Little do you know

She wanted to tell him what haunted her at night, but she could never bring herself to do so. That left her at the window each night, desperately trying to figure out who she was.

I need a little more time

She needed more time. More time to control the beast that reigned inside. The one that threatened to take control and destroy everything she'd built.

Underneath it all, I'm held captive by the hole inside

She rested her chin on her knees as she gazed into the snowy night. Something so pure should not be marred by the blood that haunted her, but she could never find the purity in it. It was always splattered with blood, whether her own, or someone else's.

I've been holding back

She put on face for him. Always acted as if everything was alright. That there were not demons that beat against her skull every minute of the day. She could never let anyone see the weakness that it brought.

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