1940's Romanogers

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A/N: This one is a bit darker as well, so a little warning.

Natasha's POV

As a young agent in the Red Room, I was taught how to blend in to any situation, amongst other things. This was one of their greatest lessons, the first being never get caught, and if you do, well, let's just say you'd wish for death.

They said the real trick to belonging anywhere was to first belong nowhere.

That was something I lived by. I truly belonged nowhere. The past several years I'd made a name for myself and it was beginning to spread like wildfire.

My name is Natalia Alianovna Romanova. The Black Widow.

That was a year ago.

Now I'm neck deep in enemy territory, with the US Army as an agent. I had been sent to kill Steve Rogers, Captain America. He posed a threat to the KGB and I was the one chosen to take him out.

If you're wondering why I haven't killed him yet, well, there is an explanation.

He was on tour when I first arrived, and taking him out then would have caused problems. So, naturally, I waited. Waited until we could be in a battle and then no one would question who did it.

I didn't kill him in the first battle we were in. I wanted him to trust me first.

As it turned out, the Captain and I fought almost like a dance. We were so in tuned with each others moves. We covered each others back. We often sparred with each other, after I practically pulled him down to the training grounds one evening. He had been so against the idea, but then once I'd taken him down in less than two seconds, he changed his mind.

Despite my cold nature, I'd found myself enjoying myself and for once in my life, I'd felt free.

The longer I stayed, the more I realized how much they controlled each of us. All the bad things I'd done had begun to weigh on my mind.

I never disclosed anything truthful about my past, I figured they would not like to know they'd been harboring an assassin in their midst, especially one who had been sent to kill their beloved Captain. If he asked anything regarding my past, I'd answer, sometimes, and it would be part of my alias's cover.

"Are you alright, Natalie?" Steve asks, shaking me out of my thoughts. "I've been trying to get your attention for a few minutes."

"Sorry," I mutter in response.

"What's going on?"

"Just thinking."

"About?" He prods.

"The last fight."

It was a lie, but the last fight had cost the lives of several good men. Steve's face turns dark for a moment, but he recovers quickly.

"There was nothing any of us could have done," he tells me, sitting down next to me.

What he doesn't know is that I could have. It wasn't just Hydra agents on the field. There were a couple widows-in-training and KGB soldiers involved. I'd managed to kill them without raising suspicions.

Or at least, I thought I had.

I noticed someone following in the shadows the past few days.

I doubted they knew that I knew they were there and I would use that to my advantage. I knew that if I didn't make the kill soon, someone else would. I couldn't let the Red Room down like this, but I was in constant conflict with myself. My mind fought against my natural instincts to go ahead and kill him and to stay here and remain free for as long as I could. Would that result in my death? Most likely, but it would be no less than I deserved.

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