The New Girl

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elichika1021 Here'e your request!

***TRIGGER WARNING*** for mentions of rape and abuse.

"Welcome to the United States," an officer says kindly, a smile on her face as she looked over the two sisters.

"Thank you," the older one replies, a bit nervously.

She looks down at her little sister, her blonde hair fallen from the ponytail it had been in when they left the airport in Moscow. Her little hazel eyes were wide as she took in all the people in the airport.

She held her hand and led her to the baggage claim area, thankful her parents had taught her English. Her little sister still had much to learn, preferring Russian over English, but she'd pick it up quickly once she was enrolled in school.

"Natalia," a male voice calls from across the way, a sign held by another man next to him.

She leads them over, analyzing them. They appeared to be some of her uncle's men. She didn't know much about her uncle. Had only ever met him once before and that was when she was little. She knew he was rich, but that was about the extent of it.

But she supposed she was lucky enough they'd have a place to live.

"Hello," she greets once she gets over to them.

"And who might you be?" the same man asks, crouching down to her sister's height.

"Yelena," she replies nervously.

"Strong name," he smiles, standing back up to take their luggage. "Ivan is in a meeting now and won't be home until this evening. We've been sent to take you to his house. I'm terribly sorry about your parents. They were good people."

She saw nothing but honesty in his eyes, which made her feel a bit more comfortable. "Thank you."

The drive was quiet, save a few questions from their servant of sorts, Nikolai, as she had come to find out. He was nice, compared to the driver. There was something about him that rubbed Natasha the wrong way and she'd make sure both she and her little sister would steer clear of him.

When they arrived, she was surprised. It was a grand house, three floors, front gate, heavy security. Nothing at all like she expected.

Nikolai carried their luggage inside and led them to their rooms, promising a tour of the house in a couple hours before their uncle arrived.

"Though it seems like your uncle owns a lot of staff, cooking and cleaning will be your job. He's a very particular person, and very strict. Tomorrow, I will be taking you to your new schools so you know where they are. Yelena's is on the way to yours, Natalia--"

"Call me Natasha, please," she cuts in.

"Natasha. Yelena's school gets out fifteen minutes before yours, but the teachers already know that you'll be along to get her as soon as your classes are done. She won't be alone. You will be picking up your schedule tomorrow. You also have dance lessons. Yelena will be having her own starting next month. One of us will take you there, and on occasion, Ivan himself will. Now, I leave you to get things sorted. I'll be back to give you a tour."

She wasn't sure what to think about all this, but she helped Yelena get things settled in her room down the hall and began on her items.

They were very nice rooms, each with a sizable closest and bathroom, but she missed home. She didn't really have friends, but she still wished to be there. At least she knew everything there.

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