I Won't Let Go

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Lukeiathings MariaPapadopoulou74 Here's your request!

A/N: I know this wasn't requested as a song fic, but when I heard this song again, I had to use it. 

I hope you guys enjoy!

"Natasha, where's Clint?" Bruce asks, noticing the empty space beside her, his eyes wide and concerned at his teammate's frozen form.

She didn't show pain, emotion. It had been trained out of her from the beginning, but the sheer helplessness radiating from her floored them all.

"Nat?" Steve inquires cautiously.

Her glassy emerald eyes snap to his, her fist opening to reveal the glowing orange soul stone, and he knew...he knew what they'd lost.

What she'd lost.

No one said a word as the stone clattered to the floor. As she walked away.

There was nothing for any of them to say. He was gone.

Steve looked to where his partner had gone, unsure of their next move.

But he knew his.

It's like a storm

She couldn't breathe. She couldn't function. She didn't even realize her feet had led her to his room until she was on his bed, clutching his favorite family photograph to her chest.

His family.

They'd never see him again.

That cuts a path

She didn't know how to process it. One minute they'd been discussing ideas of how to get the stone, and the next, they were fighting each other, desperate to be the one to make the jump.

The one time he managed to beat her.

It breaks your will

God, it hurt. She was shattered and numb all at once. The solid ground beneath her crumbled, swallowing her whole, tossing her around like the waves in a stormy sea.

That wall that protected her?

Gone. And never coming back.

It feels like that

Empty. Cold. Confused. Hurt. Betrayed. Everything was jumbled together. She didn't even know she'd been crying until she tasted the salty tears on her tongue.

You think you're lost

It was like someone had ripped a part of her heart, no, her soul from her body, expecting her to be able to keep going.

He had been with her from the beginning. He chose to put down his weapon, to offer her a chance to make a choice for the first time in her life. He'd been her rock in that transition, helped her adapt to her knew life.

Broken down her walls.

Made her a part of his family.

Never had she felt more alone.

But you're not lost on your own

He made his way into Clint's room, knowing that despite the chaos and emptiness she felt, her feet would lead her there.

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