Facing Fate

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A/N: This is the last of the GOODBYE Series. The picture is of the suit used later in the chapter.

Warning: There is some language and violence, but nothing super rough. At least, I don't think so, but I am putting up a warning anyway.

Natasha's POV

Ross looked happy at my capture, but he hid it well, only his eyes revealing the true emotion. I could also spot wariness. He knew I didn't go without a fight, so this was not something he expected.

He had nothing to worry about. I was not going to fight back.

"Take her inside. Interrogation," he orders one of the guards leading me.

He nods and they push me forward.

Agents eyes turn to look at us as we move inside. Shock covers most of their faces. Everyone had at least heard of my reputation, so seeing me cuffed was probably the last thing they had expected.

They none too gently push me into the interrogation room.

There was no one in the room, so I sat in the only chair. I figured they would try isolation first. Lack of contact or long periods of silence will cause some to go insane. It was a great interrogation tactic. I'd seen it done fairly often, and even used it myself on occasion.

Though this particular tactic would be a waste of time on me. I'd been through it before.

What I assume is several hours, pass before the door opens.

"Agent Romanoff," a female voice says.

"Agent Carter," I reply, chuckling in my head at the irony. "I thought I lost the title of Agent once I left."

She sighs. "You'll always be Agent Romanoff to me."

"You never liked me," I respond. It wasn't hard to tell.

"Like has nothing to do with it," she says, moving into my line of sight. "You were a respectable agent. The highest ranking, under Hill of course. I didn't always agree with your methods, and I will admit, I never fully trusted you, but you were good."

I roll my eyes. She was just trying to butter me up. Nice try, darling.

The door opens again, revealing Ross himself.

"Romanoff," he says, coming to stand in front of me. "It's a surprise to find you on this end of the interrogation."

"Go to hell," I grumble.

"You'll soon find yourself there," he replies.

"I already am," I respond, looking him directly in the eye.

"I know you're not going to break easily, so I'm going to get straight to the point--"

"I'm flattered," I snap, cutting him off.

He looks at me disapprovingly before speaking again. "Where is he?"

I quirk my eyebrow at that. "I don't know who you mean." I genuinely didn't know "who" he was talking about.

"Your son."

My face hardens into the mask everyone has come to know well. The Black Widow had come out to play.

"I thought you'd read my files. I can't have children," I reply. "They took care of that issue years ago."

"Your files did say that you could not have children, but I have evidence that you did have one."

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