I Saved You

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A/N: ***!!!TRIGGER WARNING!!!***

***This chapter involves wolves fighting each other like how some people use to fight dogs.*** I DO NOT agree with that AT ALL. Dogs are amazing and make my day much better. I don't know what I'd do without my two dogs. I love them so much.

This is also a long one...over 12,000 words, so I decided to split it up into two chapters, the second will be published later on today.

I had some help with the fight scenes. I'm still working on being able to write them.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Steve's POV

It was cold on the base now. It was late November and we had been spared from snow and freezing temperatures, but as of three days ago, we haven't been as lucky.

The temperature dropped near thirty degrees overnight and snow began piling up.

Unless we were sent out on missions or training, we all decided staying inside was a pretty good idea.

I was lucky enough that the cold didn't bother me as much, with the serum and all. With that came the responsibility of doing the jobs no one else wanted to do.

I did some of them, but refused to do them all. There were too many, and several of the men were just trying to have more time to do whatever it was they wanted. Disgraceful.


Bucky's voice snaps me from my thoughts.

"Everything okay?" I ask. His tone made me nervous.

"Colonel needs us for a new mission," he replies, tone grave.

What was so bad about this mission?

I quickly get up and follow him into the conference room.

"Thank you for collecting the Captain, Sargent Barnes," Colonel Phillips says as we walk in. "Have a seat." He's quiet until we take our seats. "We have intel about five new bases that have seemingly appeared out of nowhere. We don't know where these places are located, and that's where your team comes in. We're sending you to a pub that's well-known to host the higher ups within Hydra's ranks. We're hoping this will allow us to find out precisely where our targets lie. Carter and Rogers are going in as a couple. Rogers, you will be joining whatever game it is they'll be playing. You need to get them to trust you enough to get the information we need. Carter will manage as she sees fit. This is more of a reconnaissance mission. Do not resort to violence unless it is absolutely necessary. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir," I respond. I wouldn't let him down if I could help it.

"You leave in an hour. Good luck. Report back as soon as you arrive back on base. Fancy dress."

Peggy quickly pulls me over as we leave the room.

"We need to dye your hair."


"Fine," she relents with a sigh. "We'll do a wig. Now, come on."

An hour later and I look nothing like myself. I'd been given a dark brown wig paired with the same color mustache and beard.

It was itchy, but I'd do whatever it takes to take down all of Hydra.

We had a two hour drive to get to the town, and a five minute walk to the bar.

It was quiet, and the car was filled with tension. Peggy took my hand in hers and gave me a small smile. She wasn't afraid, but she was much better suited for undercover work. I was too awkward and tense, but as long as she was by my side, I could handle it.

Romanogers StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora