From the Shadows

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A/N: Hey guys. Hope everyone is doing well. I cannot say that the hiatus is over, but I have finally managed to get a chapter fully written. I've got so much going on these days that breaks are few and far between, but that doesn't mean I have stopped writing. It just means that any and all updates will likely be extremely slow. I am still working on the last part of the Smells Like Teen Spirit saga, so hopefully it will be posted soon. And very slowly working on my other stories as well.

But for now, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

She wasn't built to get sick. Not that it never happened, but it was extremely rare. It made her even harder to deal with, and that was saying something.

The first time she sneezed, she ignored it, thinking she must've inhaled some pollen or been around a horse she didn't know about.

Yes, she was slightly allergic to horses, though that didn't stop her from riding them. She just had to make sure she avoided touching her eyes until her hands were clean. Even then, it wasn't a serious allergy. Just more of a nuisance.

But when she sneezed a second time in the span of ten minutes, she thought better of it, turning back to her room to take another allergy pill. Sometimes, one just wasn't enough.

Thankfully, that seemed to do the trick, and she went on about her business.

She was a busy woman. The busiest in S.H.I.E.L.D., minus Agent Hill, who was stuck to Fury's side like glue. She was given most missions because she could complete them quickly and generally without causing a ruckus.

And then she'd been partnered with Steve, who only increased her ability to complete a mission. They worked together better than she and Clint did, which caused the latter to whine as often as he could.

She enjoyed working with Steve. He pushed where she pulled and vice versa. For the most part, they didn't have to see each other to know where the other was. It was natural to them.

"Did I just hear you sneeze, Red?" Tony asked as she slid onto the couch in the common room.

"Must've passed some horses earlier this morning while I was in the city," she answered, pulling her knees up to her chest.

He hummed thoughtfully, before leaving the room. He knew better than to question her. Sometimes. Okay, not at all, but this time it seemed he was making the right decision.

Even if she was getting sick, which she doubted, she'd still work. A little sickness never kept her down.

"Ready for the mission?"

Steve's voice nearly made her jump. She hadn't even heard him come in.

"Mission?" Had she forgotten about one?

"Don't tell me you forgot about it," he chuckled, moving her way. "Or did you? You're not even dressed!"

She saw he was in a nice tux and was quick to her feet, ignoring the unsteadiness that rocked her body as the blood rushed down from her head.

"Shit! Give me five and I'll meet you in the hangar."



"It's in the city. We're driving," he replied. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Rogers. Just got sidetracked."

He wanted to say something, but wisely kept his mouth shut. But he would definitely be keeping a close eye on her.

She returned moments later dressed and hair fixed.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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