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@RubymikaelsonQOM Here's your request!

When I was young, I fell in love

He had always believed in love. His mother had always said he'd find it one day and when he did, to never let it go, instead to let it envelope his body and soul. He'd never feel anything like it.

We used to hold hands, man, that was enough (yeah)

When he first met her that day on the helicarrier, he knew he was screwed. She was so much like Peggy and oh so determined to make him as uncomfortable as she possibly could, knowing he was insecure around women.

Then we grew up, started to touch

After the fight in New York, Fury had paired them together after seeing how well they complimented each other. He'd finally gotten more comfortable around her, and was more receptive to the little touches here and there. A hand brushing his shoulder, a foot against his leg as they read over a new mission.

Used to kiss underneath the light on the back of the bus (yeah)

Then there was that kiss they'd used while trying to escape from Rumlow and S.H.I.E.L.D. Not exactly what he'd planned, but Natasha was more comfortable undercover, so he went with it...and might have wished for it to have lasted longer...or continued later.

Oh no, your daddy didn't like me much

He might not have had to worry about her father, seeing as she didn't have one, that he knew about anyway, but Clint was close enough. He sensed there was something between the two of them, and questioned him as often as he could, but Steve was quick to tell him there was nothing going on.

And he didn't believe me when I said you were the one

He never believed him, but Steve wasn't lying about it. That he knew of anyway. Hell, Natasha was always trying to set him up on dates, so there was no way they could be a couple. And besides, she didn't like him like that anyway.

Oh, every day she found a way out of the window to sneak out late

But then she started going over to his apartment on occasions for movie nights and such. Not that he would complain of course, it was fairly lonely anyway. And she'd gotten to where she'd sneak in while he was away or scare the crap out of him when he'd walk in and she was sitting on the couch or countertop. I mean, he'd nearly thrown his shield at her once or twice.

She used to meet me on the Eastside

In the city where the sun don't set

Thinking back on it, he should have realized how she felt about him. If only he wasn't so terrible around women. She'd flirted with him for so long, and eventually he'd flirted back, playfully of course. None of it had meant anything.

If only he'd realized sooner that it had.

And every day you know that we ride

Through the backstreets in a blue Corvette

She loved being in the car, he'd noticed. Though she preferred to drive, which usually ended up with him clutching the seat or something because she drove so fast. He didn't understand how she managed to avoid getting tickets, though, after one particular stop from the cops, he understood and fully reprimanded her for using her seductive capabilities to get out of it.

Baby, you know I just wanna leave tonight

We can go anywhere we want

He loved taking her out on occasion, letting her feel free and unrestrained. Knowing she'd been trained from such a young age, he wished for her to be as free as she wanted.

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