Last Goodbye

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A/N: This is not the third part of the I Saved You/You Saved Me series.
I just found this song today and Scarlett absolutely NAILS it! Almost had me sobbing before I finished it. Highly recommended version of this song.

Hope you guys enjoy!

P.S.: You might want to get out a tissue or two.

"Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war." - Ultron

"I have no place in the world." - Natasha Romanoff

"I blew all my covers, I gotta figure out a new one." - Natasha Romanoff

"Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die." - Steve Rogers

This is our last goodbye

He was tired of fighting and she knew it. It wasn't that he couldn't handle the blood and the gore, but it was the cost. He'd already lost so much, and he couldn't take it anymore.

She understood that.

She had so much weighing her down, but she knew no matter what she did, it would never change what she'd done. So she continued to fight.

And would until her last breath.

I hate to feel the love between us die

The dance they'd perfected over the years was magical. They knew where the other was and what they needed without having to say a word.

And they always knew when the other was hurt.

But it's over

But it was time to give it up. To go their separate ways.

Just hear this and then I'll go

"For what it's worth, Steve," she said quietly. "You've fought harder than anyone. You deserve this more than anything."

"I don't want to leave you alone," he replied.

"You fought the fight, Steve. You've done your duty to the world. No one can fault you for that," she answered sternly. "It's hurting you more than anything now. It's time to give up the shield. Find the life you always wanted. Alright?"

He sighed and relented his argument. He never really could win against her anyway.

You gave me more to live for

He gave her the hope she never had.

She was the air he needed to breathe.

More than you'll ever know

Gave her a reason to fight.

Gave him a reason to carry on.

This is our last embrace

Being in his arms one last time was one of the hardest things she'd ever done. She made it a rule not to get attached. Made the job that much easier.

But he was different.

She was different. Dark. Misunderstood. Yearning for a future, but believing she could never have it, despite everything he'd told her.

He'd tried to get her to come with him, but she refused.

She couldn't stop fighting. It wasn't in her nature.

They both inhaled softly, committing each others scent to memory.

Must I dream and always see your face

They pulled apart slightly, unwilling to part completely.

They had spent so many years side by side and they were hardly ever apart. They knew they would never forget each other.

Why can't we overcome this wall

"Natasha, are you sure you won't come with me?" he tried one last time.

"You know that I can't. I have to stay and fight. I'm not meant for the white picket fence life. War is home for me."

Well, baby, maybe it's just because I didn't know you at all

It was all she ever wanted. A life of her own, where she wasn't controlled by someone else. But she refused to give up what made her, to try to fight for that freedom.

He supposed her didn't know her as well as he thought.

She never thought she'd see the day he would hang up the shield. Stop fighting. But she wouldn't lie, she was thankful he was. If anyone deserved it, he did.

She realized she didn't know him as well as she thought.

Kiss me, please kiss me

It was a mutual feeling, what they shared.

A line that they chose not to cross, for fear of what it could mean. What it would change.

But kiss me out of desire, babe, and not consolation

But when they both leaned in, they couldn't pull away.

Those feelings they'd pushed away for so long, revealed.

You know it makes me so angry 'cause I know that in time

When they pulled apart, she pushed him away, knowing he needed to leave. He needed to get away from it all. To be free from the life he never chose.

To leave her with the choices she had made, the life she knew.

I'll only make you cry, this is our last goodbye

She couldn't promise she would see him again. In her line of work, nothing was certain.

Thinking so hard on his soft eyes and the memories

But she would never forget what it was like to have him as her partner. To feel safe, warm, trusted. Something she never had in her life.

He would never forget her sarcasm, her wit. The way her eyes would light up when she was onto something. Or the way her eyes would crinkle when she laughed.

Offer signs that it's over.

As he walked away, he let the tears slide down his cheeks.

Behind him, his favorite spy felt tears of her own escape their confines, but she did nothing to stop them.

Their partnership was over.

His freedom had begun.

Hers would never come.

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