Just Give Me A Reason

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A/N: This is not a request. I realize I'm running very behind on those, so incredibly sorry about that, but I should be getting more of them out by the end of the week.

I hope everyone is doing well and I hope you enjoy this chapter! You guys are awesome!

Right from the start

It had been his eyes that captured her attention in the beginning. The haunted, scarred look in them. Something she understood.

You were a thief, you stole my heart

Her heart leapt out to console him, but that wasn't something she'd been built for, so she'd gone for what she knew. Sarcasm and jokes. Her defense mechanism.

And I your willing victim

He had been something she was unprepared for. A weakness she never thought she'd have. Something about him, perhaps his honesty and willingness to do what was right no matter the situation, cracked her open with the slightest pressure.

I let you see the parts of me, that weren't all that pretty

He saw her for what she was, not what she had been, even when she was brave enough to tell him small pieces of her past. The easiest pieces. She could never bring herself to discuss the gaping wounds left inside her.

Even on missions when she made a call that didn't sit well with his righteous ways, he never judged her. He knew it's what she'd grown up understanding. And he tried to show her the world the way he saw it, but never pushed his beliefs on her.

And with every touch you fixed them

She wasn't sure when they'd grown so close, but perhaps after their time in D.C., when they'd been on the run together. And then during Ultron when he consoled her after Wanda messed with their heads.

She found she loved being near him; touching him soothed her fears and doubts. He was warm and made her feel safe.

So when she crawled into his bed one night, he let her stay, once his raging heartbeat settled.

Now you've been talking in your sleep oh oh

It went on like this for some time. She usually slept in his bed at night, especially if he was called out on a mission and she couldn't sleep. It was the only way she could sleep through the night. Generally.

Either that, or he was there to soothe her fears when a nightmare gripped her mind and caused her to lose control.

But now, he was gone more often, leaving her alone in his large bed. That or he'd talk more, rousing her from dreamless sleep.

And it was never about her. It was always Peggy or Bucky, the latter they were spending as much time trying to locate as possible, with no success.

Things you never say to me oh oh

It hurt more than it should have. She'd begun to open up to him like she never had with anyone.

It was almost as if he didn't trust her with his thoughts.

Tell me that you've had enough

She began staying in her room, forgoing sleep because she couldn't stand to be around him when he wouldn't tell her what was wrong.

Of our love, our love

Maybe he'd had enough of her and unconsciously wanted her gone and didn't have the heart to tell her.

But then why would he have said those three words if he didn't mean them?

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