Ghosts of the Past

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A/N: ninjarider1 Here's your request!

So sorry it took so long to get another chapter out. Hopefully there will be a second one published a bit later tonight and perhaps a third tomorrow.

You guys are awesome! Stay safe and enjoy this chapter!

They were looking for Klaue and the vibranium. Steve knew Ultron would be there. He was trying to evolve and vibranium was the strongest metal out there. Their best bet would be to get to it before he did.

If they could.

Sadly, it seemed he'd beaten them there.

"Stark is a sickness!"

"Ah, Junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart," Tony replies sarcastically as he lands in front of Steve and Thor, facing Ultron, and Wanda and Pietro, the enhanced twins.

"If I have to," Ultron answers, stepping forward.

Natasha and Clint were somewhere in the shadows. Bruce was staying aboard the quinjet to keep it running if a quick evac was in order. And to keep damage to a minimum.

"We don't have to break anything," Thor says, keeping a tight hold on his hammer.

"Clearly you've never made an omelette," Ultron interjects.

Tony turns back to Thor, "He beat me by one second."

"Aye, this is funny, Mr. Stark," Pietro calls. "It's what's comfortable. Like old times."

"This was never my life," he replies defensively.

Steve steps in to hopefully keep it from escalating further, "You two can still walk away from this."

"Oh, we will," the girl replies viciously.

"I know you've suffered--"

"Ah, Captain America," Ultron cuts in laughing, "God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but--"

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it," Thor says calmly. A warning.

"I think you're confusing peace with quiet."

"Uh huh, what's the vibranium for?" Stark asks, clearly done with the whole conversation.

"I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan."

There was no warning before he attacked. He pulled Stark right to him and one of his bots was on Steve before he could blink. Yeah, stronger was definitely an understatement. He fought against the bot the best he could, but it always seemed to be a step ahead of him.

Gunfire erupted further into the ship and he could only hope Clint and Natasha were alright. Repulsors flash as Ultron and Stark fly all around shooting at each other. And this bot was tougher than it looked. He was close to disposing of it when Pietro ran by, knocking him back on his ass.

This fight was not going well. At all.

Finally, with Thor's help, he was able to dispatch the bot. He threw his shield into several soldiers, knocking them out and then slammed it into Pietro, knocking him back and told him to stay down.

Though he was against us, he was still a kid and Steve didn't want to permanently hurt him. He just didn't understand what he was working for.

The fight continued deep within the ship and he moved towards the sound, stumbling back when the floor disappeared out from under him.

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