Rookie Nat

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@evanssonfan Here's your request!

"You guys heard about the new rookie we're getting?" Stark asks, reclining back in his chair, munching on a bag of chips.

"Wait, we're getting a new rookie?" Thor questions, turning around to face the group.

"Have you been living under a rock, Point Break?" Tony replies wryly. "Fury's been talking about it all week."

"Yeah," Clint adds. "But he's been out most of the time, so give him a break."

"I don't want a new partner," Tony whines. "Bruce and I get along just fine down in the lab."

"No one is being added in the lab," Steve sighs. "Don't you ever pay attention? We're going to be nice and give them a chance."

"Of course you'd say that, Mr. America," Stark grouches. "But it's going to mess up our team, and it can't happen."

Precinct 26. New York's smallest police station, but the highest ranked for quality service and record arrests. The small team was New York's best hope for the future, and though they were the newest force in the city, all other precincts looked up to them, and frequently called them in for help, whether it be to physically take down the bad guys, or just to help in the labs. They were a team that could not be more different, but they put their differences aside, usually, to keep the city safe. Their boss, Nicholas J. Fury, ran a tight ship and expected no error. His shadow, Maria Hill kept the boys in line, which was a hard enough job, so she had some help from Steve, who, while the youngest and newest addition to the team, played a vital role. The others listened to him because he understood the world and was not afraid to get dirty, but always tried to see the best in everyone.

They made fun of him for some time about it, but he never let it get him down and eventually began cracking his own jokes, which surprised everyone. But he was fitting in.

Fury was proud of his small team, but he knew they needed an extra hand, so when her file crossed his desk, he knew she would be the right one. She'd had a rough past and had made some terrible choices, though not of her own free will. He was a bit skeptical, seeing as who she'd been working for, but he was willing to give her the chance to prove herself. He wasn't worried about liking her, in fact, he did the moment her file crossed his path. She was a lot like him. Dark and full of secrets.

When he met her the first time, she was guarded, but so was he. She didn't talk much about her past, and though it made him wary, he understood. What he'd read was not something he'd wish to discuss either. She was witty and understood how the world worked. She hadn't had much of a chance to witness the good in the world, and she wanted to try to protect others, to keep them from going through anything like she had.

"You're hired," he'd told her after an hour's talk. "Come in Friday. It'll give you a day to meet the team, and hopefully not have anything super crazy happen. They'll show you the ropes and most likely give you a hard time. They've bonded well over the past few years and don't take kindly to new faces, especially Stark. The others will be more inclined to accept you."

"Thank you, Fury," she replied.

"You'll be partnered with Steve. He's the newest one here, but has the most potential. Thor and Clint are partners are an interesting dynamic. Banner and Stark are generally down in the lab, but Stark does pair with Steve if the need arises. Banner is only called out for emergencies. We do everything here in our precinct. Injuries are taken care of here, the lab is here. I don't trust people and make sure everything is done where I can see it."


"See you Friday."

"I still can't believe Fury did this to us," Stark complains.

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