Chapter 18

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To: Kim Taehyung

So how did it go with jungkook?

From: Kim Taehyung

Oh its fine!! You don't have to worry about him anymore (●')

To: Kim Taehyung

Thank you tae. Sorry i had to trouble you with this.

From: Kim Taehyung

Its ayt, he's cute anyways hehe

To: Kim Taehyung

Thank you, really. Do you have a place to sleep?

From: Kim Taehyung

Yep staying with Jin hyung, don't worry!! Anyways, i gtg ttyl

To: Kim Taehyung

Be careful!

From: Kim Taehyung


Yoongi laid back and sighed, looking up to the ceiling. I wonder what Namjoon is doing, he thought. Yoongi looked through his contacts and pressed call on Namjoon's contact. He held the phone up to his ear and heard it ringing. Yoongi was getting agitated because of the countless times Namjoon can't be reached. What the hell is he doing right now that's so important he won't even answer my call? Yoongi gave it a rest and placed his phone on the table. He slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.


"Hyung. Hyung! Wake up, we're going to build a snowman today, right? You promised."

"Alright, alright, I'll be there, I'm not fully awake yet." Yoongi yawned.

"Faster, hyung, or else the snow's going to melt soon!"

"Pabo, the snow won't melt at this time of the year." Yoongi smacked the younger boy's head. The boy scowled and ran out of their room shouting, "catch me if you can!"

Yoongi ran out of the room to chase the younger boy, but instead he entered an empty room, the only source of light coming from the direction he came from, the doors soon closing, his senses embodied in darkness.

"-----" Yoongi tried to call out the latter, but it didn't seem to work. It's as if he's gone mute. Yoongi panicked trying so hard to look for a way out. A way out of this terrible nightmare of the past. His younger brother.

Although he can't see anything, he can feel shaking happening, someone calling out to him, "sunbae!" repeatedly.

Yoongi immediately woke up, panting heavily, looking frantically around. He saw one of the other staff members beside him, a worried look on the girl's face. "Yoongi sunbae, are you okay? Do you need a doctor?" The woman asked, but Yoongi shook his head. "I'm fine. Thank you for waking me up." Yoong looked at his watch, the time now being nine o'clock in the morning. "If you'll excuse me, I'll be talking my leave now, Rei-ssi," Yoongi said, standing up and bowing.

Yoongi rode his bike back home. As he walked inside the apartment, it's like he was expecting for someone to be there, but it looked like he was wrong. He placed the house keys in the bowl on top of the drawer beside the door and walked inside his room. He was surprised, but at the same time he wasn't, to see Namjoon sleeping soundly on his bed. Yoongi smiled and immediately laid down beside Namjoon, hugging him, and taking in his smell.

"Namjoon, make these nightmares go away."

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