Chapter 11

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Namjoon shrugged. "I just wanted to stop by."

"For what reason?" Yoongi asked.

"Because its been a week since I last saw you."

For some reason, Yoongi felt happy that it looked like someone actually missed him. "You talk as if we're a couple."

"Don't get me wrong, but I only have a few number of friends, so I tend to miss them often," Namjoon said.

Yoongi feels as if his mood was pulled down all of a sudden for no particular reason. "Are we friends?"

"Aren't we?"

"We're just strangers who met by coincidence."

"That's not really something you would call coincidence you know?"

"Why are you so chatty all of a sudden? Its like you're a whole different person, you're attached so quickly." Yoongi shook his head. "Whatever since you're already here, I really can't do anything about it."

"So how's life?" Namjoon asked as he sat on Yoongi's sofa.

"Why should I tell you? We're not close," Yoongi refused.

"Fine, then I'll tell you mine. Today was a shitty day since I got into a fight with a customer, I almost got fired."

"That has nothing to do with me," Yoongi said as he walked inside his room to change his clothes.

Namjoon followed Yoongi into his room to be able to tell the rest of his story. "Yeah, but just listen to me. He was hitting on my coworker, I mean am I just supposed to stand there and let hi--- oh, you're body's in good shape."

Yoongi immediately turned around and threw his shirt at Namjoon. "Yah Kim Namjoon! Get the fuck out! This is invasion of privacy." Yoongi shooed Namjoon out of his room and immediately locked the door. Yoongi covered his face with his hand, a slight tint of blush on hie face.

"Why do I keep blushing like this? It's fucking stupid." Yoongi whispered to himself.

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