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"HARRY A SNIPER! The gun is pointed at us." Natalia wailed.

I quickly grabbed her and shoved her through the window and right as I turned back around ...


I fell off the ledge and I blacked out.


"Harry. HARRY! Wake up. Wake up mate. PLEASE! "

"N-Niall? "

"Yeah mate. It's me."

"W-What happened?"

"You almost got shot is what. You fell off that ledge you were standin' on. It was so close. Oh we told the police about our little plan so they would stop shoot'n at us."

"Huh? "

"The police got 'Crack Kid ' and sent us off with a warnin' sayin' that we shouldn't go to a possible crime scene 'cause it's too dangerous. "

"L-Lou?---- "

"He got pretty doped up. Turns out Dominique drugged'im. He has a slight concussion from hittin' his head but he'll be alright. An ambulance and paramedics are on their way."

"What are you talking about?  Where am I?  Ni, I thought we were in Toronto. Aren't we supposed to be headed for our concert in the next half an hour?  Niall what's going on?"

"HARRY do you know someone named NATALIA? "

"Nope. Should I? "

"Oh crap."

A/N:- Just a Filler. I wanted to update tomorrow but I'm going to the beach so I dunno if I can. I  know It's short. Maybe I'll do a double update?   ╮(╯▽╰)╭     (*^﹏^*)

Natty <3        (~O~)zZ      <(_ _)>

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