Chapter 50 - Repaying Questions

Start from the beginning

"No, you've done more than that." I said.

"Like what?" Ahsoka asked as she looked up at me. "What have I done for your benefit? Nothing." Ahsoka said as she began to properly cry.

"Ahsoka." I said.

"(Y/n), let me do everything for you, for today. I know you don't want me to do this but I don't care. You've done too much for me, this is only the start of how I can repay you." Ahsoka said.

"You don't have to do this."

"Yes I do! If I don't, then there's no point me even being here because my life would just be me using you to keep me alive, all just because we love each other." Ahsoka said.

"But we do love each other, that's why I do it!" I said.

"So why haven't I been doing it!" Ahsoka shouted. I looked down at the floor, trying to let her get her point across. "So far, it feels like, like I've just been, abusing the fact that you love me so I can get the most out of you all because you love me."

"You haven't been abusing me at all!" I said.

"It might not feel like it because of how much abuse you took in hell, but please, you must be so stressed having to worry about me all the time." Ahsoka said.

"Ahsoka, I'm fine." I said.

"No! You only think you're fine because of how not fine you've been before! I'm your girlfriend and we love each other! You shouldn't have to be this worried about me all the time! We should just be able to relax and enjoy our time together, not permanently have to worry about my state of health or when our next mission is."

"Ahsoka..." I said.

"You're too nice." Ahsoka said. "You don't know how to say no, and I've abused that. I've abused the fact that I can ask you to do anything and you'll do it, all because you feel like you have to, like it's your responsibility. That changes today."

"What?" I said.

"From now on, you don't have to do everything for me. I'll stop relying on you to do everything for me and stop abusing the fact that you love me and will sacrifice yourself for me."

"But, I, I love you! I want to help you with everything I can! I worry about you when I'm not around you! There's a reason why I do everything to you. Yes I love you, but I love you to the point where if something happens to you, I blame myself, regardless of whether I could've done anything to help you, but because of who I became doing in hell, I can protect you against everything which tries to hurt you and I will protect you against everything that tried to hurt you, regardless of whether you want me to or not. I love you Ahsoka, and I won't ever stop loving you." I said.

Ahsoka just sat on the bed, crying. She thought that she was abusing me, all just because she feels like she hasn't done anything to help me.

"Ahsoka, let's go somewhere together, just me and you, somewhere where we can forget about all of our worries, forget about you repaying me, forget about everything, just be with each other, together." I said.

"But, how will I repay you for everything you've done for me!" Ahsoka said. "How can I repay you for saving my life about 5 times, doing everything for me when I could barely talk and keeping me safe when I'm not in control? What could I do to repay you?" She asked.

I brought my hands up to her chin and began to fuss it gently. "You're Ahsoka Tano, aren't you?" I asked.

"Yes." She said.

"You love me, don't you?" I asked.

"Of course!" She said.

"Will you always love me?" I asked.

"I will love you until my last breath, and even then, my soul will love you forever." Ahsoka said.

"Then that's enough for me. Just knowing that you, Ahsoka Tano, will always love me, that is enough for you to do to repay me." I said.


I silenced Ahsoka by pressing my lips against hers. This kiss wasn't very energetic, but it was loving.

"But, how will I repay you for doing stuff for me which I could've done, just chose not to because I was too lazy?" Ahsoka asked.

"In whatever way you feel seems right. Don't say to yourself that you're going to do one thing to repay me, because something might happen which means that I won't appreciate that, but will appreciate something else." I said.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Ahsoka asked.

"This is just an example. You might say to yourself that to repay me for saving your life on a mission that you'll, I don't know, have sex with me again, but on the way back, one of the clones who is close to me dies from an injury. I wouldn't want to have sex then, but there would be other things that you could do to repay me, like spending time alone with me, without the worry of others or missions to distract us, or take us out somewhere you know is nice, all these things you could do to repay me, or anybody who deserves it." I said.

Ahsoka looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank you (y/n)." She said as she hugged me as tightly as she could.

"Anything for you Ahsoka." I said as I kissed the top of her head.

We hugged tightly for a few minutes before Ahsoka looked up at me.

"We're going to Lothal." Ahsoka said.

"Why?" I asked.

"So we can spend time together, walking through the endless valleys of grass, hand in hand, without a worry in the galaxy." Ahsoka said.

I smiled at her. "I'll need to take Vega so I can open a portal for us when we want to come back." I said.

"I'll take him." Ahsoka said. I went to tell her otherwise but I knew that she'd not give in until she took him, so I didn't reply. "Let's go get ready." Ahsoka said as she got off the bed and quickly got dressed.

I took a little longer to get dressed but once I was, I turned around to see Ahsoka wearing small blue shorts and a tight white backless t-shirt. She looked absolutely amazing.

"I'm going to go get some food for a small picnic." Ahsoka said as she walked to the door. "What do you want?" She asked.

"Suprise me." I replied. Ahsoka smiled and ran off. The second she left, I went into the bathroom and began to spice myself up a little. I cleaned my face, combed my hair, put deodorant on, all the stuff you do when you want to look good.

After a few minutes, Ahsoka returned with 2 wrapped bags of food. She walked straight to my suit of armour and knelt down next to it. She picked up my Vega chip and put him onto her chip slot on one of her sleeves before standing up and facing me.

"You look, fantastic!" Ahsoka said as she lunged her body at me and kissed me on the lips.

"I could say the same to you." I replied as I fussed her chin. She giggled at me before picking the food up and her bottle of painkillers.

"You ready to go?" She asked.

"Of course I am." I replied.

Ahsoka stood next to me and grabbed my hand. "Vega, open a portal to the fields of Lothal." Ahsoka said. As she did, a blue portal opened up Infront of us.

Me and Ahsoka glanced down at each other once more before stepping through the portal together and into Lothal.

Ay, 50 chapters already. I wanted this chapter to be you and Ahsoka actually going to Lothal but I didn't want you to just appear there for no reason so I started off that discussion. I got about halfway through the discussion and realised that it would turn out to be just short of what a normal chapter would be for me (about 1800-2500 words), so I decided to make this one just basically the filler for why you're going to Lothal with Ahsoka and to add some change into your life back at the temple.

Anyway, I think you can tell what tomorrow's chapter will be, but until then, thank you all for 2000 reads, and this is

Cheese Epic out.

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