A Test?

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Ricky's POV

We arrive at Jamba Juice and I suddenly become nervous as I hold the door for Trevor and Kian. Both of them have heard me talk about Cooper before and of course Kian has met him but somehow I feel pressure. Probably because I don't whether Cooper is just a friend, a confident, an advisor, or maybe something more. I mean we text all the time and this is the second time I have seen him since I got back, four days ago, but it doesn't feel like dating and we've never done anything more than have a friendly hug. Maybe Trev and Kian will help me be less confused. I instantly spot Cooper and smile and wave. Kian goes to get our juices while Trevor and I join Cooper at a table. He greets me with a hug and I notice Trevor raise an eyebrow.

"So I am finally getting to meet Trevor Moran." Cooper says while shaking Trevor's hand. "I like your music. It's interesting but fun at the same time. I'm Cooper."

"Trevor, but you already know that. Thanks. I love recording. So does Ricky. I'm sure you've listened to his stuff too. His music is great too. We're going to record together soon." Trevor rambles a little.

"I can't wait to hear it." Cooper responds as Kian brings our drinks. "Hi, Kian, good to see you again."

"Hi Cooper." is all Kian responds. He kind of looks at Cooper warily. I kind of hoped it wouldn't be so awkward. There is no reason for Kian to feel threatened by Cooper. We all sit, me next to Cooper, across from Kian and Trevor.

"So Cooper and I have become good friends over the past couple of months and he's really helped me work through my emotions over Sam and other things and I just thought it might help of you guys talked with him too." I explain. Trevor smiles but Kian looks dubious.

"Guys, I'm sorry it's been so tough for you and I am really not here to interfere at all but  if you want to talk about anything, I'd love to try and help. You know, a lot of people care about you in the middle of all this chaos and I at least believe that God does as well." Cooper explains.

"So it's true, you're studying to become a priest?" Trevor ask. Cooper nods. "And your gay?"

"Yes, I'm gay but my Church is ok with that. I know it seems strange, but its not. We all have things in our lives that may seem strange to outsiders but are really just normal for us. Wouldn't you agree Kian?"

"Sure. I guess. Maybe you mean me and Ricky?" Kian asks?

"Yes and no. All I know is you have a really special relationship, which most people would love to have." Cooper responds and smiles at me.

"How about you Cooper? Anyone special like that in your life?" Trevor asks. I kick him under the table.

"I'm really close with my sister and I have great friends at seminary but I haven't have much luck in close relationships, if that's what you are asking. Being gay and studying to be a priest tends to limit my options." Cooper says and looks kind of sad. I kind of want to put an arm around him but can't bring myself to.

The rest of our conversation is interesting. Trevor opens up about his fears and Cooper provides the type of reassuring answers that I find so helpful. Kian isn't so forthcoming and it worries me because I know Cooper wants to get to know him better, if only for my sake. We hang out for about an hour before it's time to get Trevor home for a family dinner. As we head out I give Cooper another hug and thank him for being so patient and kind with my friends. We agree to have dinner next week but I still don't know if it's a date.

We get into the car and Trevor immediately says, "I really like him Ricky. I totally ship Rooper." Kian responds by giving Trevor a light shove and says, "I don't think Ricky is looking for that. Don't put pressure on him. Right Rick?"

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