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Ricky' s POV

We are spending the night at a cool little beach hotel in Brighton before taking an early morning ferry to France. I have my sights set on a little romance with Kian, since we have a room to ourselves. Even though I am worried, I still believe there is a chance for us. I love him too much not to try. For now though Kian is just working on vlog footage on his laptop and I am texting with Shelby.

I hear a knock at the door and because we are both fully clothed, I get up and answer it immediately. Blake rushes in and looks right at me.

"Dude, you've got to fix this and fast." He says to me frantically.

"Fix what?" I ask. Kian looks at me and Blake with a bemused look on his face.

"Trev thinks you hate him. He's been in our room crying and threatening to stop the tour and go home." Blake is serious.

"All this because I found him undressed with a girl?" I reply. Kian smirks. I told him earlier about Trevor. Only he and Blake know.

"No. Because you've refused to be anywhere near him since. Look I know it's hard to see Trev growing up. Believe me, as his big bro, it scares me too. And trust me, I've seen him in the buff too so I know he's not a kid anymore. But it's no reason to freak out." Blake replies.

"Have you seen a girl. That's not really how I want to see any of my friends." I respond. "Besides, I don't think he is making good choices." I reply.

Blake sits down on the bed and puts his face in his hands.

"I know. It hurts a little actually. I am his real brother but I can't get through to him. He kind of looks to you and Connor as true big brothers." Blake responds. I feel sorry for him although I think if he was a little less cavalier about girls, Trevor would be doing less of this.

I reach for my phone and say, "Ok, maybe Connor can fix this."

"Come on Ricky," Kian says, "You're the one who found him with the girl and you're the one who he is worried about. Besides, do you really want to interrupt what Connor is doing with Troye right now." Blake nods in agreement and smiles at the Connor and Troye comment. I relent because I know they are right. But we only have seven hours until we are supposed to be at the ferry dock and we need cuddle time and sleep.

"You're both right." I text Trevor.

"Trev, I'm sorry. Let's hang out together tomorrow on the ferry and talk. ILY. Ricky." Trevor quickly sends back a heart emojii and I know we will be fine, at least until morning, when I need to figure out what to say. I show the messages to Kian and Blake, who are relieved. Blake gives me a quick pat on the shoulder to say thanks and heads out.

Kian and enjoy a really nice night together including some physical activity that gives me the release I need. He sure does it for me. Why can't I do it for him? I think we both sleep well.

The next morning I wake up and after dressing and kissing Kian, I go buy some pastries for everyone to snack on the ferry. When we get on the boat, I hand out the snacks to everyone but Trevor who frowns briefly. I give Kian a quick kiss on the cheek and put an arm around Trevor and lead him away to a quiet lounge on the upstairs of boat. Kian explains to everyone that Trevor and I need to talk. We lounge on some couches upstairs and I give Trevor a huge selection of breakfast snacks to choose from. We still barely speak and I decide to break the ice with a joke, hoping he can laugh about it.

"So, um, you're like the only one of my guy friends that I have seen, um, you know, undressed. Other than Kian of course." I stumble through my joking.

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