Seasons Change

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Ricky' s POV

I am sitting on the bed, editing a video and trying not to cry. I just sent Kian to reconnect with Andrea and I feel like the biggest idiot in the world. But I know it was the right thing for me and Kian in the long-term, whatever the long run brings us. Suddenly I hear a loud knock on the door.

"Ricky, it's Connor, please open up."

He sounds kind of frantic so I rush over and open the door. There is definitely a problem. First he rushes in and I can see he has been crying a little. Then he turns and hugs me for a moment. Oh crap, what if he and Troye had a fight? I'm not sure I can deal with this right now.

"What's wrong Con?" I ask. He leads me over to the bed and looks at me with sad eyes.

"Remember when Kian was flirting with those girls and you told Andrea even though Kian is your best friend, because it was the right thing to do?" He asks. I nod even though I am confused. Connor continues, "It's kind of like that. I'm sorry Ricky. I just saw Kian and Andrea kiss in the lobby."

"Oh..." I say not knowing quite what to feel. I knew this was a possibility, but it still hurts. We contemplate in silence for a minute.

"Ricky?" Connor asks, looking for a reaction. I must appear kind of numb.

"Con. You're a good friend for letting me know." I reach over and wipe a tear from his cheek and smile at him. "I was worried for a moment that something happened between you and Troye."

Connor smiles and says, "No way. I love that boy. He's talking with Tyde and his Mum right now on Skype so I went down to get him some chocolate and other supplies at the store before um, well you know um, we did some things. That's when I saw Kian and Andrea kissing."

I chuckle at Connor's awkwardness and say, "I know you and Troye have sex; it's ok if you say it."

"Why aren't you freaked out about Kian and Andrea?" He asks, ignoring my last comment.

"Look Con, I probably am freaked out deep down, but I am the one who sent Kian to see Andrea. We need to know if he still likes her, has feelings for her. I guess he does..."

Suddenly Kian rushes in and looks at us in desperation. "So Connor told you Ricky? Andrea kissed me, I swear." I want to believe him but it really doesn't matter who kissed who, what matters is how he feels about it.

"I should go and let you talk." Connor rises and says. He looks at me with sympathy and then at Kian with eyes full of malice that could cut a person. We can't let him leave like this. I grab his hand.

"Sit down please Con and hear us out. This isn't ideal for any of us but I can't have you hating Kian. You need to understand the situation."

Connor sits back down but throws a very protective arm around my shoulder and glares at Kian who pulls a chair over and sits opposite us.

"I don't ever want to hurt Ricky like this. I love him." Kian says.

"And I love Kian as madly as you love Troye and when you love someone like that, you want to do what's best for them, even if it hurts you. Kian and I haven't developed the same sort of physical relationship that you and Troye have and I think it's because, although Kian is in love with me emotionally, he just doesn't like guys in the same way you and I do. Plus I think he still has feelings for Andrea." I put my hand on Kian's for reassurance and he tenderly takes it as usual. This is hard for both of us but it's the truth. I continue, "So I think it is best that he finds out the truth. I can't ask him to be someone he's not, no matter how much we care about each other. That is what true love is all about."

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